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She was standing in the hospital staring at the baby she just helped deliver. It was 3 months premature, on the verge of dying, yet something was keeping her from doing anything.. Looking at the baby she began thinking, 'what if this baby dies?' They would sue her, or worse. She looked back at the couple, they were frozen in place, as if time had stopped, looking around she realized time must have stopped, No one but her and this baby were moving. 

The baby looked up at her and smiled, an evil little smile, and I'm going to get you, smile. Then, it stopped breathing. The smile, she realized, wasn't an evil smile, it was an 'I did something smile.' 

The baby had stopped the time.

"WAAAAA!" A baby wailed, the couple cried happy tears, things were back to normal, and the baby was breathing. She smiled and handed the baby to the nurse to have him washed and taken to NICU. 

"Congratulations, it's a boy!" The couple grinned at each other. "But, he's going to need to stay in the NICU for awhile," The mother looked worried. "Don't worry, he should be okay."

"How long?" The man asked. 

"Most likely until his due date, he could leave earlier, or later, there is no real way to tell," the midwife answered. "I'm going to make sure he gets into NICU, press the button if you need me."

The midwife was walking down the hallway, still puzzled as to what had happened earlier.

"Jenna, the baby you just delivered is in room 3. You should see this," the nurse who took the boy away called.

Looking into room three, she saw the machines hooked up to the little boy, they all said he was perfect.

Heart rate, breathing, everything except his size and weight were the same as an on time baby would be!

"I'm going to go tell the couple," she said quietly walking out of the room. "Well, your son actually is perfectly fine, we're going to keep him overnight, and if everything goes without a flaw, you should be able to take him home tomorrow. I'll take your IV out, sign your discharge papers and you can go see him."

"He's going to be okay?" The woman asked. The midwife, Jenna, nodded. Taking the woman’s IV out, she signed the papers and led them to their son.

"That's my boy," the man said. He mumbled something to the woman and she grinned, how she was feeling so great after just giving birth was beyond her. 

 "Ok, so will you call if something happens?" The woman asked. 

"Of course, now go home and get some sleep, you can come back in the morning and see him," the midwife said smiling. The woman nodded and the couple headed out.


Getting in the car the proud parents sighed. The drive home was silent, they held hands and just sat with each other silently until they arrived home. 

"Thank god I'm a werewolf!" The woman exclaimed and fell backwards onto the couch. Her husband leaned over her, kissing her deeply. 

"Want to have another?" He asked jokingly.

"Not yet," she said honestly. "I'm going to sleep, carry me upstairs?" She asked, pouting, she knew he would. He picked her up and carried her bridal style up the stairs and to their bedroom. He laid her down and pulled her maternity jeans off. Covering her up, he lay beside her and pulled her into his arms. "Goodnight, love," he whispered. 


Next morning

Walking into the NICU, the midwife, Jenna, couldn't believe her eyes. The baby boy had no problems and the couple was signing his discharge papers.

They were taking him home.

The couple was over joyed. They were so happy to start their life together.

The mom was holding her baby boy, staring into his eyes when he stopped breathing, looking around about to call for help, she stopped, time, had froze. What had caused the time to stop? 

"Honey?" She heard her husband call, looking at him she saw he was unfrozen now, everyone was and the baby was breathing again. She brushed it off thinking it was nothing, but it was something.

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