Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Miss Jamison, can you answer my question?" my social studies teacher asked.

"What? Ah, no, my heads kind of bothering me." Julia shot me a look.

'You ok?' she asked me telepathically.

'I don't know yet,' I replied.

"Alright, I'll let it slide, and happy birthday." he said just as the bell rang. My stomach twisted and turned. Why am I getting so nervous? I dawdled all the way to study hall.

The teacher, Mrs. Harley, spoke just after the bell.

"Class, I’d like you to meet Jared," just as she spoke the words the most amazing scent hit my nose, it was almost familiar. Wait, did she say-


No way. No way. It couldn't be!

My best friend from when I was little is the new kid in my school. And boy has he grown up.


I expected to be introduced. But in every class? That's a bit much. The day flew by, and before I knew it, 8th period was here. I heard the name Iris everywhere; it can't be my Iris, can it? The difference of me being a wolf and her, is that I’ve been able to change since I knew how to control it. Also, I find my mate after my ninth birthday.

I smelled her before I saw her.

"Class, I'd like you to meet Jared."


"Jared." she breathed.

"It's been nine years and that's all you can say?" I asked. Before the words were out of my mouth she was out of her seat running towards me. She jumped on me hugging me as tight as she could.

"Aw!" A girl next to where Iris was sitting yelled.

"Shut up Jules." she mumbled, barely audible because her head was in the crook of my neck.

"Are you going to let go now?" She hopped down blushing.

"You've really grown up." she mumbled while walking to the back where two seats were open next to "Jules."

"New kid." she nodded to me.

"'Jules'" I said mockingly back.

"Touché." She grinned

Study hall went by fast. I spoke to Iris. She told me about some stuff that happened between now and her ninth birthday. I wonder what happened that night.

She showed me to gym and after changing and talking to the gym teacher; I made my way towards her.

"Iris, what happened the night of your ninth birthday?" She froze.

"Uhhmm..." she started. Just then coach blew the whistled signaling the start of class. I heard her let out a sigh of relief. Huh.


"Mom? Can we mate with humans?"

"No sweetie. Only half bloods and weres. Why?"

"No reason" I replied.

She turned into a wolf that night. That's why she was hesitant.

That's why she left.

She's my mate.


"Mom, remember Jared?" I asked at dinner.

"You still think about him?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, but that's not the point. We didn't have to leave that night..."

"What do you mean?"

"Alpha Phillips."

"How do you know that name?"

"What was Jared’s last name mom?"

"Oh. You found out."

"Found out? You knew?!" I shouted. She nodded and looked down. "Why did you make us leave?"

"I wanted to protect you."

"From what? What was there to protect me from?!" I shouted. What can I say? I'm angry.

"Your father."

"Dads dead mom."

"No he's not."

"I watched him die mom! Don't stand there and tell me he's not!" I yelled standing from the table.

"No, that was your fathers brother, my real mate. Your father, Alpha Jamison, raped me," she hung her head. 

"Alpha Jamison... You mean, I could be alpha?!"

"No, you are Alpha; as of today."

"You mean he had no other kids?"

"No, his mate can't have kids."

I'm an alpha's daughter. No, I'm an Alpha.

"Uhmm. Can we be alphas of two packs."

"No, mates are from destiny, destiny makes sure alphas aren't alphas mates."

"Then I'm not alpha." I declared walking upstairs and to my room.

I did my math homework, I know, math homework on the first day?! Then decided to call Alexis.

Alexis is Jared and I's best friend from pre-school. I still talk to her, but not recently.

"You've reached Alexis, I can't get to the phone right now."

I slammed my phone shut. I really need to go for a run. Stripping down and leaping put the window, changing to my beautiful white wolf and taking off down the road.

Running for about a minute I reach the woods. Before stepping in I hear a howl of pain. It's almost like I'm drawn to it.

I start running faster. Pushing myself to the limit. I smell him before I see him. He's in the middle of a clearing, facing a very big wolf. But, he's just as big as whoever the wolf is; I'm about the size of the two, why didn't I see that before? I'm as big as an alpha!

The two start growling at each other, before I can react the unknown one is jumping towards him, I growled pushing my self as hard as I could towards the big wolf thinking one thing.


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