Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"JARED!!!" I screamed, yet again. I felt the huge canyon of space between us... I need him!

Suddenly, the men let go of me and pushed me into an empty room... What the-? It wasn't a cell like you would expect of rogues...

What do they want from me?

"Now, you stay in here like a good little girl while I go take care of your little boyfriend." He said, locking the door before I got to it. I pounded on the door.

"LET ME OUT!!!" I screamed. "DON'T YOU DARE HURT JARED!!!" My voice was starting to break from all the screaming. "I SWEAR THAT I'LL KILL YOU ALL IF YOU DARE TO EVEN TOUCH HIM!!!"

Eventually, I lost my voice. I  fell to the floor and started crying.

Jared, where are you...?

A few minutes later I decided to try and talk to Jared mentally, maybe I'll be able to give him my location! Though, that would imply I actually knew where I was... Hmm... Oh well! What do I have to lose? I gave it a try...


 When I tried to contact him, I felt unbearable pain... Oh god! What are they doing to him?! My poor Jared, I have to help him!

With renewed vigor, I stood up and slammed my fists into the door again and again. Someone will have to open it eventually! I kept pounding on the door, growing louder and louder as I went... Suddenly, a crack formed in the wood. YES! Maybe I can get out of here myself and help Jared! Now that I had a new purpose, I got cracking, literally, soon, my knuckles were bloody, but the door never gave way. I started kicking it. Two minutes later, however, the door opened and I ended up kicking a girl in the gut... Oops...

What if this girl's come to rescue me and I just kicked her?! I bet she'll be pretty mad... "I'm so sorr-" Then I saw her face. "HOLY-!"

"Don't even start!" The girl yelled at me... I guess she's not here to rescue me...

"B-but you l-look just like-" I gulped. "Just like-"

"Just spit it out already!"

"Just like me..." I trailed off, looking at the girl before me. She was the same age as I was, had the same hair and eyes... Even the same face! It's as if someone took a stencil and drew the two of us!

"Yeah, yeah!" She muttered, unimpressed... Am I missing something? "That's because we are twin sisters, you idiot!" Well, she certainly wasn't very nice... She pulled something out of the leather jacket she was wearing... What is that? Well, one thing's for sure: I am not sticking around to find out! I ran for the door, but she caught my arm and whipped me around. I felt something sharp pierce the skin at the crook of my arm... Whoa... The world is spinning... As black spots filled my vision, I heard her mutter "Sorry," Then I was gone.


Waking up I forgot where I was for a moment. After remembering what happened, I looked around, well, I tried... It was really dark. Hearing slight noises I cocked my head to the side, listening deeply.

"Did she see you?" A male voice, deep, and alpha like, spoke.

"Yes, she knows who I am." this time a girl, she sounded exactly like Iris, but there was no, spark, so I knew it wasn't her.

"Good. Now she'll never leave, she'll want to know whom you are. Why your not with her, and stuff like that." The man said. "Someone go fix that door!" He boomed. I heard shuffling and figured it'd be someone fixing the door... What door? Maybe mine will break too...

Trying to be quiet I began trying to pull apart the wooden door, I pulled on both hinges and they both came off, pulling the door away, I set it inside the cell. Now, not only could I hear the two talking, but also I could see them.. Well, the back of their heads. The two started down the hall. I could see where they were fixing the door. I walked over to it, and smashed the two men's heads together, they both fell to the ground unconscious. Stepping over the bodies, and the half finished door, I discovered whose room it was.

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