before camp

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PROLOGUEbefore camp

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before camp

April last year

LYRA PACED AROUND her room, her mind racing. The muffled argument downstairs between her mom and stepdad seemed louder than usual, their words cutting through the walls. She jammed her headphones into her ears, scrolling through her playlist for a song to drown out the noise. It wasn't just the loudness of their voices; it was the same old argument, repeated for what felt like the millionth time.

"So what? Are we going to have to start the school hunt all over again for her? So she can collect D's and get expelled for the umpteenth time? Huh?" Steve's voice was sharp, each word like a stab.

"She's got to finish school somehow, Steve. Only got three years left." Valeria's voice was softer but no less firm. Lyra could almost picture her mum's determined expression.

"Yeah, assuming she even makes it through high school. And what about uni, Valeria? You think any school would take her with a record as sad as hers?"

Lyra cranked up the volume and tried to lose herself in the music, but the words still crept in, gnawing at her peace. She finished her homework, a futile attempt to show she could still be a good student, even tho she'd been kicked out before the end of the year.

She yanked her headphones out, hoping the argument had ended. But the silence that followed was heavy, almost ominous. Then a thud echoed through the house. Lyra froze, her heart pounding. Silence again. Usually, her mum would come to check on her after a fight, to help with homework or just to make sure she was okay.

Valeria Foster was a pillar of strength in Lyra's life, her warmth and resilience a constant source of comfort. Her ginger hair, usually tied back in a simple bun, framed a face that exuded calm and compassion. Valeria had a way of making everything seem better, even when things were at their worst.

But Steve—Steve was different. He had come into their lives like a summer storm, all charm and smiles at first. Lyra remembered how he'd been so caring, suggesting she get psychological tests done when she was little, which led to her ADHD and dyslexia diagnoses. And a generelised anxiety disorder, a few months later. But after he married her mum, his true colours showed. He never hit the girl, but his words cut deep, and he didn't hold back with Valeria either. Lyra often found herself playing referee, stepping in to protect her mum and taking on the bruises that came with it. Hiding them was a real pain. More than once, her classmates have asked her what happened to her. Thankfully, Lyra always managed to come up with a good lie.

Despite the chaos Steve brought, Valeria remained Lyra's guiding star. Her uom had raised her alone for years, with only occasional letters from Lyra's biological father, who had vanished from their lives for reasons Valeria never fully explained. Those letters were rare, and he never mentioned Lyra, as if he didn't care about her. Valeria would give vague reasons why he couldn't be in contact with his daughter, wrapping his absence in layers of secrecy and uncertainty. Lyra's questions about him were met with elusive answers, leaving her with more mysteries than truths.

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