012 party monster

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CHAPTER 12party monster

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party monster

Trigger Warning: Heavy Drinking
this content includes scenes with heavy drinking. if this could be upsetting or triggering for you, please feel free to skip it. cya next chapter! <3


ON THE MORNING of June nineteenth, Lyra decided to have a cinnamon roll for breakfast, despite her aversion to the pastry. It was her mother who adored them.

She remembered when she was about ten years old, Valeria booked a mother-daughter week-end in San Francisco, during spring break. During the drive, mother and daughter had sung old songs at the top of their lungs. Lyra sang beautifully, her clear voice carrying the melody effortlessly, while her mother sounded terrible, her voice cracking and off-key. This contrast always made Lyra laugh a lot, the car filled with their joyous, offbeat duet.

Upon arriving in the city, Valeria decided to take her daughter to a coffee shop. She ordered two cinnamon rolls, one for herself and one for her daughter. Lyra had scrunched up her nose at first, but her mother's infectious enthusiasm was impossible to resist. They sat by the window, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow over their table as Valeria took a bite and closed her eyes in bliss. Lyra mimicked her, taking a cautious bite, but didn't like the cinnamon roll at all. Sensing her daughter's disappointment, Valeria suggested they visit a nearby cookie shop to make it up to her. Lyra's eyes lit up at the idea, and soon they were walking into a cozy little bakery with the enticing scent of freshly baked cookies wafting through the air.

Inside, the display case was filled with an array of colourful, mouth-watering cookies. Lyra's gaze flitted over the choices, her excitement building. She finally settled on two different cookies. The first was a double chocolate chip cookie, rich and gooey, with chunks of dark chocolate melting into the dough, giving it a decadent, almost sinful allure. The second was a raspberry white chocolate cookie, its edges crisp and golden, with a soft center that held tangy bursts of raspberry and creamy pockets of white chocolate. The bright red flecks of raspberry and the creamy white chips made it as delightful to look at as it was to eat.

With her cookies in hand, Lyra's disappointment vanished. They sat outside on a small bench, enjoying the last rays of the sun.

"We got a loyalty card," Valeria said, showing it to her daughter with a playful grin. "For every ten cookies purchased, we get three free."

Lyra's eyes widened with excitement. "We have to go back then," she exclaimed, her mouth full of cookie. "Right now!"

Valeria burst into laughter as she reached over to wipe the chocolate from the corners of her daughter's mouth. "Let's finish these first, cookie monster," she teased. "We've got plenty of time to earn those free cookies."

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