||Once Called Home|| 01

84 10 137

[WARNING: non-consented touching]


"Good morning girls, I hope you had some rest."

Mr. Chester says with his uplifted manner as always.

We were all in the main hall of the orphanage, waiting for Mr. Chester to finish counting all the girls that were there. All of us wore a plain white dress that reached to our knees and raven black shoes that wrapped nicely around our ankles. I Stand up straight, along with the other girls who are in a straight line, Mr. Chester begins to speak once again.

"Today I have an announcement for all of you."

I raised an eyebrow in interest, we rarely get announcements unless it's about a new girl joining the orphanage or a new staff member.

"In two weeks, a few of you will be getting adopted."

My bright sapphire eyes light up from the announcement. It was exciting news and the quietness in the room began to fall, rising with excitement. The girls murmured about how thrilling the news was to them all. Some say how they hope they get picked, meanwhile others say they know they'll get picked.

"Settle down now, I said a few of you will be chosen. Only the ones who earned the highest score in all assignments and behaved well will be rewarded with a family, while the rest stay here."

The excitement soon died down into worry as he stated those words. While everyone was anxious about their scores and behavior, I was not.

I don't mean to brag but, I was always a good child. Following the rules, helping others, finishing my assignments before everyone, and overall being a good person. Though it did get me labeled as a goody-two-shoes, I don't mind.

Mr. Chester dismissed us after explaining the usual routine of not fattening ourselves and making sure to shave. We all left the main hall, going into our bedrooms and looking at the board that had our tasks listed for the day.

The assignment board would have our names next to the task we've been assigned for today. For example, we'd have to scrub the floors if our names were next to the task.

As I was looking for my task, a certain someone I knew appeared behind me, hugging me from behind.

"Well I know for a fact you're going to be adopted, lucky girl!" she says with a bright smile that could blind anyone who comes near.

"Thank you, Carmella" I smile as I tuck a strand of dark brown hair behind my ear while I continue to look for my assignment.

"In all honesty, I had a feeling that you'd be chosen since you're perfect!"

Carmella Garcia, my one and only friend, is the complete opposite of me. We met at the age of twelve when she arrived at the orphanage. Her orphanage burned down so she had to transfer. At first, she was shy and kept to herself. However, as soon as we were assigned a task for cleaning the garden, we clicked like a lightbulb.

"Anyway," Carmella resumes, "What kind of family do you think will take us?"

I smiled lightly, "Well, I don't mind what kind, as long as they love me is all I want."

"Oh come on! Everyone has at least a dream family they would want!"

Sighing, I shook my head and remained smiling, "Well, I do hope they have other children my age so that I won't feel alone."

"Huh, that's pretty cute of you to say I guess, I wonder what it's like to have a family..."

My mind imagined the thought, would having a family change our lives forever? Would we have the chance to feel loved and wanted? In the orphanage, it always felt... like a place you would come and go. However, I do consider it my home that I will always come back to. Maybe in the future, I can visit this place with my soon-to-be family.

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