Night three

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After the New Year and Christmas ive been had a rough time. Almost went broke after getting the girls their presents they wanted.  Like holy fuck man. Anyway im sitting in the office when someone rings the bell on the front door, and I heard it from the weird box in my office. i opened the door and saw a girl with blonde hair and green eyes. "uh, may I help you?"

"Yeah, your the night guard, correct?" She asked.

"Yes, and your the police, correct?"

"Yes, my name is Sonya, and you?"

"Uh JC. JC Emily." After I said my last name she turned pale.

"Ah... Well let's go inside."

As she walked in Foxy and Mangle glared at her with jealousy and rage. "Why are those two glaring at me?"

"Who, my two wives? Yeah, therye always like that when there's a girl around me except for them of course."

"Y- Your married to the fox sisters?" She asked as i nodded. "what is it like, to have sex with them?"

i thought about it for a while, till I just said what was on the top of my head. " I guess it feels great. i mean sure theyre made of metal but their really soft and squishy to be honest, but its nice to have sex with them."

As we entered the office Foxy and Mangle sat in there with us as Sonya moved slightly uncomfortablely.  "why are they here-"

"To make sure you dont try to sex with our husband." Mangle said, her teeth bared.

"So dont try anything we dont we wont like." Foxy said.

After Sonya had a quick talk with me she went to the bathroom when Foxy tackled me into my chair and began sucking my cock. "Oh God this tastes so good."

"Foxy are you serious? She could be back any minute. You- Agh!!!" I said as she put her finger under my ballsack and pushed slightly as she giggled around my cock. "God i hate it when u do that Foxy."

"Foxy, we- m-might get caught." Mangle said as she blushed.

"(Smirks) i know you both are turned on by this, now shhh." Foxy began to deepthroat as i gripped the chair arm rests and cracked it, Mangle gasping at the sheer amount of force I used while kissing me, her lips soft to the touch as she moaned, fingering herself as she kept kissing me.

"Foxy, i think im gonna-" i said as I slammed her head as far down as it would go, her eyes and throat bulging as she licked and swallowed all of my cum as she moaned. Her pupals turned into hearts as she looked into my eyes as bands of saliva bridged from Mangles and mmy mouth as she moaned.

"M- My turn." Mangle said as she started sucking, sending shivers down my spine as Foxy kissed me and made grope her breasts as i kissed her. i put one of my fingers inside her pussy as she moaned, shock on her face before smirking as she kissed me more. Mangle and Foxy doing this is so good I could do this all the time.

"Mangle, i-" i said as she nodded, my cum filling her as she moaned, rubbing her stomach as she felt it swell a little."

"Shit, JC get cleaned we hear her walking here." Foxy said as Sonya walked in. Thankfully i had cleaned up by then.

"So, anyway im just making sure ur night here isnt bad."

"Um... ive been here since last year miss, im fine."

"Ah, well good. Have a good night then- well, ur shift is almost over actually. So see ya later hopefully."


Alright and im back. Sorry it took a little longer than I expected to post this chapter, i was busy with other stuff like catching up on the Pokemon anime, (god i still cant believe that after 25 years they got rid of Ash) and boy has things changed ive seen every episode from Pokèmon indigo leauge to the new series. if i had to choose a fav on which series i'd have to say that Pokèmon XYZ is my favorite, and i think that a lot of people would agree with that. Well i'll see ya nerds later

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