The start of everything

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Nevaeh had never cried in her life and when she did it was because whatever situation she was in was stressful enough to get her to that point or from anger. She didn't like crying as it made her feel weird and she didn't like the feeling.

Zara, unlike her twin had cried many times in her life as she was more easy at letting her emotions out. Not to say she was a sensitive person, no, she was far from that but to her it was easy to let some emotions get to her, therefore, resulting in her to become emotional.

Liah had cried sometimes, sure. But never in front of people. She preferred to not let anyone see her in a vulnerable state. Not to say she didn't open up to people she was close to and trusted because she did. She only wanted her loved ones not to worry over her, she didn't like that.

So for Nevaeh to be a little ways from her twin and best friend, who were bleeding out as she was in different areas of their own body's with glass and other things like sticks and twigs were sticking out of their skin, the flesh that used to be clean and smooth had wounds that leaked the crimson red color she had hated her entire life. She couldn't help herself as tears of pure frustration, guilt, and finally fear settle in her mind as she came to terms that she and the people she's cherished since they were practically babies were dying and she was dying with them hurt her. Well though it hurt she tried to find some sort of object or sound so she could make fun or praise it, she was dying anyway so she'd like to enjoy something before she went.

And as that thought crossed her mind a song began playing in her car from the raido, it was nothing but static since the Mercedes had been all but crushed. It was then that she remembered how they got in this predicament in the first place. An angry driver had ran them off the road, he had left after seeing the damage he had done, drove off in a heartbeat.

It sucked that the music was barely audible, she would've enjoyed listening to some music so the realization that she was dying and instead wasn't just daydreaming to her music and going to take a nap, a nap she knew she wouldn't be able to wake up from. And even as she closed her eyes she listened to then sound of the music, straining her ears to pick up a sound, a word, anything but nothing and everything seemed to slow down for her. She knew this was it, and that thought alone scared her but she couldn't find herself to even care at this point.

She wondered how heaven would be like, or hell if she doesn't make it up there, but then again she didn't really believe in that stuff, did she? Well wherever she goes next she just wants to be with the people she cherishes the most, nothing more, nothing less.

Why the hell was she awake? Her eyes must have been fooling her, she had died along side her twin and best friend. She was sure of that, there was no way they could have survived the injuries they had sustained after the car accident. Her mind couldn't comprehend that she was alive and no amount of logic could explain how she was breathing, it couldn't explain how she could feel the hardness of the bed she was on, or the cloth on the bed, it couldn't even explain the woman in front of her telling her she had a high fever and that her twin, who was supposed to be dead as well, though she couldn't be to sure she was even talking about her twin, had caught it as well.

What the hell was going on?
Hi, it's me, again. So I have decided to make a hunger games fanfic, now this one was already on my Ao3 and I had motivation to actually write it then I hadn't really touched it. So I've decided to move it to this account and re-write it because I cringed at some of the grammar mistakes I've made. This was the original story I had in mind when coming up with the TVD story, so think of this like a what if scenario. Like if God just decided to send the other three girls to the hunger games instead of the TVD world.

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