Where to begin...

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                                                                             July 26, 1996

                                                                                  9:48 PM

                                                                        3RD PERSON POV

TW: Foul language, underage drinking/usage of drugs, homophobic slurs

Blaring music was heard throughout the large Macher house, Stan Macher was reading a book, emphasis on was. He couldn't focus on it at all, all he got to was 'Never ever-' than Smells Like Teen Spirit started to play loudly on the speakers downstairs.

His "Older" twin brother, Stu (He was only 3 minutes older, not a big of a deal) was having a party. Stuart Macher was a very active, friendly, but if we have to be honest, a very idiot of a guy. He was always getting into some reckless stuff, but Stan preferred to be on the safer side of all that.

"I feel stupid and contagious! Here we are now entertain us!" The sound of music and some teens singing along filled the house, Stan had enough of it, he ran out of his room and went downstairs to tell his brother to turn off the god-awful music.

Stan was almost the complete opposite of Stu, he didn't really like to socialize, he preferred to be in his room reading, he was calm, collected... And got bullied more often... But something they were similar at were their looks, Stu and Stan looked exactly the same, except Stanley grew out his hair a little more, he liked it better that way.

As he walked down the stairs he saw that their house was filled with underage high schoolers drinking, doing drugs, and smoking. He coughed as he pushed himself through the tight crowed, why is everything so small?

Eventually, he made it through the crowd into the kitchen and found some kids drinking beer from very big straw looking things. As he was looking around the kitchen he was tapped on the shoulder, and quickly turned around ready to be hit with a punch. But as he turned he was met with a beautiful set of brown eyes. It was his brother's bestfriend, and his long time crush since 4th grade.

THE Billy Loomis.

Stan was caught by surprise,. He was friends with Billy, and some of Stu's other friends, like Sidney, Tatum, and Randy. (He didn't really like Sidney, cause sometimes she was mean to Stan, maybe because she knew that Stan had a crush on her boyfriend... Yeah... Sidney and Billy were dating to Stan's disappointment)

"Hey Stan, you've seen Stu?" Asked Billy.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT, Stan loved his voice, he just melted at the sound of him.

"N-No, I-I haven't. I- I was just l-looking for him." Stan was a stuttering mess, his face slowly turning red.

"You wanna come look for him with me?" Billy would never want to admit, never ever, not even to Stu, but he had small feelings for the Macher boy.

"Yeah..! Sure.." Stan gave a small smile.

They started to walk around the house looking for Stu, he's 6'4 why would it be so hard to look for him. Stan kept close to Billy but walked behind him, but he was pulled back by the collar by a strong force.

It was Steven Orth, football player, bully, and asshole. He's bullied Stan since forever. Ever since 2 years ago, sophomore year, he was outed as gay in front of the school by his ex-best friend and now Steven Orth's girlfriend, Casey Becker, the bullying got worse. Not only was he punched in the gut more often but he was called a whore and a fag from across the hallway.


                                   September 14, 1994


Stan hadn't really had a good day, Steven and his "gang" had cornered him in a janitors closet, beating him up a bit before shoving him into the room and somehow locking it. After an hour the janitor found out and unlocked him.

Now he was sadly sitting with his best friend, and his brother's girlfriend, Casey Becker, at the lunch table in the cafeteria. As Stan was telling her about what happened she didn't seem to listen, until she suddenly stood up on the Cafeteria table.

Stu was on the other side of the Cafe, he was talking with Billy, and Randy about a random horror movie, and how horrible it was. When out of the corner of his eye Randy pointed out to Stu that Casey was standing on a table.

"Holy shit, Stu, what is your girlfriend doing?" Randy chuckled. Stu turned his head to see Casey standing tall on the table.

"I don't know, but it's probably gonna be good." Stu laughed. Casey cupped her hands over her mouth to make her voice louder.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE! ID LIKE EVERYONES ATTENTION!" If she didn't have their attention then she definitely had it now.

"Casey... What are you doing." Stan whisper yelled.


Both Stan and Stu's eyes widened in shock.

"no no no no, Casey, stop." Stan stood up, and took a step away from the table Casey was standing on. He knew where this was going, but she wouldn't do that, she was his best friend... Right?

"STANLEY MACHER IS GAY! THATS RIGHT! HES A FAG!" Everyone's mouth dropped, while Stan's heart plummeted down to his stomach. He looked around and saw looks of disgust, shock, and both from students who had just heard what she yelled. Tears filled his eyes as he looked up at Casey who was grinning.

Stan's eyes landed on his brothers, Stu was shocked, he didn't know his brother was gay, why didn't he tell him?

Stan ran out the Cafeteria and into the bathroom, locking himself into a stall. Tears fiercely ran down his cheeks. Why, why, why... Why did she tell everyone that? Now Stu knows, and now everyone knows, than his parents will find out... NO NO NO... If his parents find out he'll be beat worse...

Joe and Christina Macher were abusive parents, they never cared for their kids, they just beat them with anything they could find.

Stan let out sobs, until he heard a knock on the stall. He sniffed.

"This Stall is taken." His voice slightly broke.

"It's Stu, I'm really sorry that happened, she shouldn't have done that too you, Stan." Stu frowned as he didn't hear an answer.

"You're not mad at me?"

"Mad at you? No! Hell, you could love a fish and you'll still be my little twin brother, I'd call a therapist on you, but we'd still be family." Stu let out a dry chuckle.

Stan slowly opened the stall door.

"Thank you, Stu." He gave a small smile.

"Of course, I've always got your back lil bro." Stu ruffled Stan's hair.

"We're 3 minutes apart, Stu.." Stan sighed.

"So I've been told, you're still shorter." Stu laughed.

"By an inch! You tall bastard."

---------------------------Present day---------------------------------------------

"Hey! Fag Macher, didn't think I'd see you here, climb out of your hole?" Steven smirked.

"Steven! What are you doing here?" Stan sighed through a fake grin.


(A/N): I'm gonna stop it here, hope you all like it! I couldn't think of names for the parents so I just pulled those one's out of my ass. Please vote and comment! Love you all!

I've always got your back (Scream 1996 fanfic, Billy x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now