Death on the Becker

172 3 0

July 27, 1996

10:58 AM


TW: Foul language

"What why?" Billy questioned "Is it because she dumped you for Steve?"

"No..! It's not, and I dumped her because..." Stu lowered his voice "Because, remember what that bitch did junior year?" Billy's eyes widened, he remembered it, very clearly. He felt so bad for Stan, he didn't deserve that.

"She outed Stan in front of the entire fucking school. I remember, I was there, Stu." Billy's eyes darkened. The memory replaying, replaying, and replaying in his head. Stan deserved justice, he deserved the world. The two boys created a plan, about a year ago they killed Maureen Prescott, Sidneys mother. She was fucking his father which caused his mother to abandon him, no goodbye, no I love you, no note, no nothing. Billy also remembers how Stan came to his house the day he found out his mother left...


May 16 1996

2:34 PM


Billy didn't show up to school that day, which was weird because he always shows up, he's never missed a day... Unless he skipped, but that was mostly in math. Stan decided to be nice, and since he and Billy have almost every class together, and Billy's house is on his way to his own he would bring his homework over.

Stan walked up to the front door of the Loomis residents and knocked... No one answered... He knocked again... No one answered...

"H-Hey Billy! It's Stan!" He knocked one more time... But this time he heard footsteps and the door opening. Stan didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't how tear-stained Billy's face was, or how his hair was more greasier than usual.

"B-Billy... Are you alright..? I-I came to give you the homework... Are you okay, Billy?" Stan was genuinely worried, and Billy was shocked. Most of the time he ever cried he would just suck it up, but for some reason, with Stan... He wasn't afraid to let him see how messed up he looked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, thanks by the way." As Billy reached for his homework Stan dropped it on the floor and tightly hugged the currently hurting boy. Billy started sobbing as he tightly hugged the boy back and hid his face in the slightly taller boy's chest.

"S-She's gone... M-My mom's gone... Sh-She just left..." Billy sobbed, Stan ran his hands through the other boy's hair.

"Shh... It's okay... I got you... I'm here for you, Billy..." Stan whispered. Billy sobbed more, no one's ever said that to him... No one...


July 7 1996

11:04 PM


Those memory's kept playing in Billy's head, all day. The hug, the tears... Billy has always realized since that moment, he's loved Stan. He would do anything for him.

"And her boyfriend, Steven. He bullies Stan all the time at school." Billy said through gritted teeth. He hated the way Stan was treated at school, he would pummel anyone that got in the taller boys way.

"Okay, how about this..." Billy and Stu started to make a plan, about how they were gonna kill Casey Becker, and Steven Orth. It was gonna be hard, but surely, with the knowledge they have from the movies it wasn't gonna be difficult. They would need a disguise, so they would go to the store in September because they usually have all the Halloween things up by then. Billy and Stu agreed that they would finish making the plan full proof later, Billy started to walk home and Stu headed inside.

Stu started walking upstairs when he heard Stan call out his name. "Hey, Stu?"

"Yeah, bud?"

"Thanks for last night... For saving me from Steven."

Stu softly smiled. "No problem, I've always got your back, Stan." Stu walked up to his room and landed in his bed, he would do anything for his brother, they may be different but Stan did a lot for him growing up. So he has to pay it back.


A/N: I am SO sorry for the late updates and how short this chapter is, it's been a hella hecktic spring break, but I swear I'll get the next chapter going

so long!


I've always got your back (Scream 1996 fanfic, Billy x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now