'M feeling filthy as a dive-bar bathroom stall

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[Cody's POV]

As I stood in front of the kitchen sink, surrounded by piles of dirty dishes, I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. Washing dishes was never my favorite task, but someone had to do it. Absentmindedly, I scrubbed at a stubborn stain on a plate, my mind wandering away from the monotonous chore.

Suddenly, Noah walked into the room, looking slightly less disheveled than usual, hair fluffed up still but less eyebags.

"Hey, Cody! Just realized I left my stuff at my apartment. Mind driving me back home once you're done with the dishes? Sorry to interrupt your quiet time."

I huffed softly, realizing that Noah was right. He had been staying at my house for a day, and it was time for him to head back to their own apartment. With the dishes temporarily abandoned, I quickly replied that I would be happy to drive him home.

As I dried my hands on a kitchen towel, I felt a sense of anticipation. Though it was a simple task, driving Noah back home, the thought of spending more time with him brought a smile to my face. We didn't really know each other that well on our time on total drama, so I was pretty excited to spend a bit more time together before he left.

Grabbing the car keys, I made my way to the front door. As I stepped out into the warm sunlight, I noticed Noah waiting by my car, a Nonchalant gaze on his face.

"Hey, sorry for the inconvenience," he said apologetically.

I shrugged off his words with a smile. "No worries at all. I could use a little break from the chores."

We settled into the car, the scent of Noah's cologne filling the air. As we drove through the streets, the conversation flowed effortlessly between us. It felt so normal, so comfortable, as if no time had passed since we last met.

Appreciating the silence that settled between us, I glanced over at Noah. he looked so at ease, so content, lost in his own thoughts. Strands of hair danced softly against his forehead, making my heart skip a beat. It was in these quiet moments that I found myself truly captivated by his prese-


Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed Noah directing me towards his apartment complex. He chuckled at my absent-mindedness, but his laughter was contagious, filling the car with warmth.

As we parked in front of their building, Noah turned to me. "Thanks for the ride, Code. You're the best."

I fiddled with my hoodie strings as I saw him walk away. It felt really empty and awkward in the car without him.

"Wait!" I blurted out, causing him to turn back with a confused hum

"I uh- just wanted to walk you to your apartment..?" I can feel my face heating up with embarrassment, normally I wasn't like this to most my acquaintances but Noah absentmindedly nodded

Even with a little action from him, sparks of dopamine fly in my head as I successfully run by his side.

God what is wrong with me today..


"Hey, Cody, I'm here" Noah softly nudged my arm as when I drift off into my own thoughts, walking along the carpeted floors of the building.

I stare at the door, A small note plastered onto it, I rip it from the door as Noah quietly went forward to open his door.

"Dear Mr. Sterectra, You are hereby given an eviction notice and notice to vacate the premises on or before November 30th, 2019, the premise owned by Permale Properties Inc. in the city of Toronto, Canada.

The reason for this eviction notice is:

Your failure to pay rent due in arrears. A demand for payment was made on November 21st, 2019, and you have refused to forward the necessary funds to pay for the rent during this period.

You are hereby notified that if you make all outstanding payments before the date of eviction, you will be able to remain in the premises as long as you continue to pay your rent."

My eyes widen in shock, My irises slowly peel away from the letter and onto Noah's figure, he was trying to open the door, mildly annoyed expression on his face, the doorknob rattled at every tug he tried to pull.

"hnngh.. what the hell?" He hummed, with a small hint of confusion in his voice.

he finally turned his head and noticed the paper I was clutching in my hand, one of his eyebrows slightly raised with undisguised confused interest.

"Hey, Code, Gimme that-"

He ripped the paper out of my hands and started reading the letter, with every word, his face turned a hue paler, slowly, his eyes zipped to the door and then to me, and then back to the eviction notice letter.

He let out a sigh

"this is going to be a long car ride home."

[Noah's POV]

As I sat in the passenger seat of Cody's car, watching the world outside blur by as we sped down the highway, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me. Just a week ago, I never would have imagined that I would be in this situation - evicted from my apartment, with nowhere to go, and my heart shattered into pieces after Emma left me. It felt like the universe was playing some cruel joke on me.

Cody glanced over at me from the driver's seat, concern etched on his face. I didn't really know him that much on our time on total drama, but yesterday and the day before that, I figured out how he's like. 

thanks Owen. I silently prayed

And now, he was offering me a place to stay in his own apartment until I could find my feet again.

I let out a heavy sigh, unable to shake off the feeling of defeat that clung to me like a second skin. "I don't know what to do, Code. Emma was everything to me, and now she's gone. And to top it off, I've lost my apartment too." My voice cracked with emotion, betraying the façade of strength I had been trying to maintain.

Cody reached out a comforting hand to squeeze my shoulder, offering me a small smile. "I know it feels like the world is crashing down around you right now, but remember that you're not alone. I'm here for you, always. And we'll get through this together, I promise."

As I looked into their eyes, filled with nothing but sincerity and compassion, I felt a weight lift off my chest. For the first time since everything fell apart, I allowed myself to believe that maybe, just maybe, things would eventually get better.

"Thank you, Code," I whispered, feeling immensely grateful for their unwavering support. "I don't know what I would do without you."

They simply nodded, their grip on the steering wheel tightening ever so slightly. "I'll always have your back, Noah. And we'll figure this out. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

I glanced at the car mirror, catching a glimpse of Cody's face, he was busy on the road but I could read his emotions like an open book, He was thinking about someone.

It's all the same to me, I've seen Owen, Gwen, Alejandro with that twinkle in their eyes. But it's weird, the only girls I've ever seen talk to Cody was Sierra and Gwen.

I wonder who he's thinking about..

♪"You're a loser, Baby, A loser, Just like me.♪ - A Noco FanficWhere stories live. Discover now