My life is wrecked.

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[Gwen's POV]

I walked down the hallway, Humming softly, Mitski playing through my earbuds as I went to visit my good friend and neighbor, Cody E.J. Anderson.  Since I was visiting my Long-distance girlfriend; Courtney, from Ontario for the last two weeks.

I have not gotten word from Cody for the past few days. Concerned, I decided to come to his door to check in. I knocked on the door. No answer. Releasing a sigh, I pulled out my spare key to his apartment that he gave me incase anything happened.

[No one's POV]

Cody slept soundly with his arms sprawled above him. Last night's rampage consumed his energy.

His hand jerked involuntarily, smacking the face of the Boy asleep beside him.

Dark eyes immediately snapped open. Noah's book appeared in his hand, quickly smacking Cody away, sending him flying off the bed.

He had not noticed Gwen walking into the room as she remained quiet to take in the sight of the chaotic room.

Cody woke up groggy. He did not even know he was pushed off the bed at all. His vision cleared, only to be met with playful Dark brown eyes. "Ugh... Whoa...? You...!"

Noah peaked over the edge of the bed, kicking his feet in the air as he grinned at his roomie. "Rise and shine, Codester. You lasted longer than I thought you would." The Brunette glared in return as he recollected the night before. He sprang up and dusted himself off. "You no good flipping–!" In the corner of his eye he saw his next-door neighbor, Gwen staring at the two of them in concern.

Cody immediately hid the battle ready pillow behind his back and smiled brightly towards her. "Oh! Good morning Gwen!" His fingers wiggled as he waved awkwardly.

Gwen carefully walked further into the room, trying not to step on anything. "Oh no, what happened? Are you two alright?" She looked between them.

Noah never removed himself from his bed, his chin on his hands as his feet began to sway in the air. "Gwen! Good morning, old friend. Sorry about the mess. There was a bit of a... tussle  last night."

Getting up from the floor, Cody took a good look around his room. "What a mess indeed... but nothing that cannot be remedied."

Her hands met in front of her. "Sooo I have some errands that need to be attended to. Maybe you two can take care of them together? I'll go grab that list!" She looked at her neighbor, Cody, once more. "Oh and Cody? You have something here and here..." She tapped at both her cheeks before disappearing to get that list.

Cody's brows knitted together. What did she mean there was something on his cheeks? "Huh"?"

"Well, don't you look lovely, Cody,"

A snicker came from Noah as he approached Cody with a hand mirror in his grip, Handing it to Cody, The brunette looked at his reflection. It displayed Whiskers drawn by a sharpie on his cheeks. Cody looked aghast at such a prank!

Before Cody could do anything, Noah's hands were on his cheeks. He upturned Cody's face and wiped the marker with a spare clean handkerchief he had. "Heh, you look so stupid like this" He mused with a crinkle of amusement in his eyes. The marker merely smudged from Noah's rubbing. Cody stared at the bookworm, eyes growing wide and face reddening.

"...You did this, I think  which makes you responsible. You have to wipe it off fully," Cody commanded with a huff. 

"How demanding. You can easily wash your own face."


It did not take long for them to put the room back together. Cody mostly only picked up his nerf gun collection to put them in the same pile while Noah was the actual person to get his room back in order. Gwen returned with the list not long after. It was... lengthy.

The moment Cody saw the list, he knew the meeting he had with the other drama brothers today could cause an inconvenience.

"Gwen, hey uh, why don't we do a few today and finish the rest up tomorrow, hum?" Noah proposed the Idea towards Gwen, hoping she would agree. Unfortunately for him she declined and insisted that everything needed to be completed today.

Cody charmed a smile at Gwen. "No worries Gwen, I'll make sure Noah doesn't slack off now." He ushered her out of the room then looked at the Dark-brown haired man with a raised brow.

"Okay, what's up? I saw your face twitch. Do you have plans today or something, hotshot?"

"Of course I do. I am a very busy Guy," He gave Noah a sarcastic look. "Unlike some who values fantasy books all day."

"That was a Germany history boo-"

"Same thing."

Noah ignored the remark towards his wonderful books. He brought a finger up to his chin and thought for a moment. "I'll come with you for those plans then. We have to do both tasks together." He grinned, satisfied with himself. "What do ya say, Codester?"


[Noah's POV]

It was my third time in his car, yet it still felt awkward.

I was mostly looking out the window for the majority of the ride to wherever Gwen wanted us to go to for our last errand.
Cody was obviously focused on the road, due to him not talking either.

This was our last errand for the day, and I was determined to finally have a meaningful conversation with him. I had been feeling something strange whenever I was around him, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I cleared my throat and started the car, trying to think of something to say that wouldn't give away my feelings. "So, uh, have you ever wondered why birds fly south for the winter?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

Cody chuckled. "I think it has something to do with the weather, but honestly, I've never really thought about it before. Why do you ask?"

I shrugged, pretending to be interested in the topic. "I don't know, just something that popped into my head. I guess I'm just curious about random things sometimes."

We drove in silence for a few minutes, the tension in the air almost palpable. I glanced over at Cody, watching as he gazed out the window, lost in his own thoughts. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something between us, but I didn't know how to broach the subject without making things awkward.

"So, Noah, have you ever wondered why pineapples are called pineapples when they don't come from pine trees?" He blurted out, not really realizing how random and silly his question sounded.

I chuckled, glancing over Cody  with a smirk. "You know, Codester, I've never really thought about it. But now that you mention it, it is kind of weird, isn't it?" I replied, My eyes crinkling at the corners as he laughed.

I couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laughter. It was infectious, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I shifted in my seat, trying to ignore the way my heart fluttered at the sight of his smile.

"Hey, Noah, do you think unicorns could actually exist? Like, maybe they're just really good at hiding from us," He continued, visibly desperate to keep the conversation going rather than awkward silence.

I raised an eyebrow, "Cody, you do realize that unicorns are mythical creatures, right? They're not real," I teased.

He rolled his eyes, pretending to pout. "Well, I like to believe in the possibility of magic and wonder, Noah. You never know what could be out there in the world," he said wistfully, gazing out the window at the passing scenery.

"You're such a realist, Noah. But I guess that's one of the things I like about you," he said softly, his words causing my heart to skip a beat.

I felt a rush of warmth flood my cheeks, and I quickly looked away, hoping Cody wouldn't notice my reaction. But deep down, a tiny voice whispered in the back of my mind, telling me that maybe my feelings for Cody weren't as platonic as I thought.

We sat there in silence for a short amount of time.

"..That came out wrong."

♪"You're a loser, Baby, A loser, Just like me.♪ - A Noco FanficWhere stories live. Discover now