I've lost my way

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[Cody's POV]

I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth as usual, staring in an almost drunk-like way at my own reflection. Of course, I didn't partake in drinking like the rest of the Ex-contestants at the last reunion party.

As I walked into the bedroom I would be sharing with my newfound roommate, Noah, my heart pounded nervously in my chest. We had not really known another on Total Drama, but now we were forced to share a condominium together. The tension between us was palpable, but despite that, I couldn't help but feel a strange attraction towards him.

Noah was already in bed, flipping through a book with a bored expression on his face. I cleared my throat awkwardly, trying to break the silence between us.

"Uh, hey Noah," I mumbled, unsure of what to say.

Noah glanced up at me, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Hey, Cody. I guess we're roommates now, huh?"

I nodded, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. "Yeah, I guess so. It's going to be... interesting."

Noah raised an eyebrow at me, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Interesting, huh? Is that what you call it?"

"Oh shut up you Noah-it-all."  I chuckled at the new nickname I gave him, Noah fully knowing it was a joke still managed to look offended

A low grumble worked its way past his throat. He grabbed the first thing within reach of his hand, a pillow, and smacked it at my face.

[No POV]

Silence followed soon after. Cody smirked threateningly.

"Fighting me in my own bedroom...? How valiant of you!" Cody took another pillow to return the same attack with the same force. There were a handful of pillows on his bed. Most of them went unused until now. Cody armed himself with a second one.

"Although, your arm is rather weak, Cody." Noah remarked, Somehow enjoying this

Cody quickly armed himself with more fluffy pillows. He knocked the one coming for his face and countered it with another forceful throw at Noah. "HA! I'm merely holding back Noah!" He threw two more pillows back to back then picked up another to use as a shield. "You're completely out matched!"

Noah let the pillows hit him. They felt like nothing against his face. He grinned smugly and chuckled grimly. "Oh please, don't hold yourself back for lil olé' me... Especially when you are the one that is OUTMATCHED."

His tone deepened as more pillows came out along out from behind his back. He sported a shit-eating grin before he bombarded Cody with a multitude of pillows that seemed to be more than there actually were on the bed.

"Hey now!" Cody protested. He did not expect Noah to put much effort for anything since his recent breakup to absolutely PELT  him with pillows! They did not hurt, but he was knocked off the bed from the sheer force of numerous pillows thrown at him at once. Before he knew it, Cody became lost underneath a mountain of pillows

The pillow mountain rumbled threateningly before Cody burst out with a nerf gun he randomly had lying around his room.

"OH YEAH? YOU WANNA GO? LESSGO!" Cody threw the pillows at great speed. One after another within seconds. He laughed demonically and triumphantly.

Noah never thought he would go toe to toe - pillow to pillow against Cody like this. To see his true form over a pillow fight. How silly it was, but Noah found himself enjoying it. Way too much. 

Even though they each said the other were outmatched - they were perfectly matched.

Time passed of a mix of pillows, and sometimes a random nerf bullet  or a book was thrown across the room. Feathers floated around the room as some of the pillows were harmed in the process. Furniture was upturned in the process, some of it had been used as a means to block as if they were in some kind of war.

After what felt like eternity fighting with pillows, Noah laid down with a relaxed sigh, informing Cody that the pillow fight was over. Let's just say that they looked pretty disheveled after their little playful banter, Messy hair, eyebags, and a few soft bruises.

 Cody flopped down on his bed, letting out a tired groan. Noah chuckled as he sat down next to him, a mischievous glint in his eyes. For a moment, they both lay in silence, catching their breath. Then Noah spoke up, his voice calm and quiet. "You did good out there today, Cody"

Cody blushed, feeling a warm rush of affection towards Noah. "Thanks, Noah. You were pretty awesome too."

"So, that was quite the pillow fight, huh?" Cody said, breaking the silence between them.

Noah chuckled, "Yeah, I didn't expect you to be so competitive."

Cody laughed, "Hey, you know me. I always give my all in whatever I do."

They fell into a comfortable silence, still catching their breath from their physical exertion. Cody turned to face Noah, a soft smile on his face.

"Today was pretty wild, wasn't it?" Cody said, his voice filled with a sense of camaraderie.

Noah nodded, "Yeah, it was."

There was a small pause of silence, reminding the duo of how late it was.

"Hey, Noah," Cody said softly.

Noah turned to look at him, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah, Cody?"

"Thanks for tonight. It was fun," Cody said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Noah smiled, "No problem, Cody. Anytime."

With that, the two boys settled down into the warm embrace of sleep, their bodies finally giving in to the exhaustion of the day. As the night enveloped them in its comforting embrace

As the conversation drifted off, both of them started to feel drowsy. Cody yawned, shifting closer to Noah for warmth. Noah didn't protest, wrapping an arm around Cody's shoulders.

In the quiet darkness of Cody's room, Cody and Noah drifted off to sleep, their breathing syncing up in a comforting rhythm. They may have been competitors on the show, but in that moment, they were just two friends sharing a bed and talking about random shit before falling asleep. And Cody couldn't help but feel grateful for Noah's presence by his side.

In the end, there was no clear winner of their little game or the pillow fight. Some point throughout the night, they each ended up passed out on the bed next to each other, with pillows underneath them, and scattered throughout the room. There was no one side of the bed belonging to Noah, and the other side belonging to Cody. They laid closely beside each other.

The nerf gun bullets are either on a pillow, bed, or the floor and Noah's book was still stuck on page 98.

what a night.

♪"You're a loser, Baby, A loser, Just like me.♪ - A Noco FanficWhere stories live. Discover now