Part 2

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Mom: sweetie, come down here, your friend is here”

Manaow: Just wait Mom, I'm still getting dressed”

When I went down, I immediately saw Warang, my childhood friend

Manaow: Hey Dude”

Warang: Hey zupp dude!”

Mom: I'll leave you guys first”

Manaow&warang: ”Ok Aunt/Mom”
we said together

Warang: How is your life in the U.S.A”

Manaow: It's good, but i don't know
dad suddenly sent me home here”

Warang: How's your study there?”

Manaow: Dad said that I will continue my studies here.”

Warang: huhuhu poor child, the one who doesn't want to study in his own school  but look at yourself now HAHAHAHA” warang pissed off naow.

Manaow: HAHAHAHA....Is it funny? warang was also strangled.

Warang: Ouch h!!! i can't breathe” at the same time dhr choked Naow back.

The two are not just friends they are also like brothers...

after the two of them tease......)

Warang: Let's go outside, I'll introduce you to my new friends, they are actually my classmates.”

Manaow: Ok, introduce me to the single one of them too.”

Warang:  You still haven't changed, anytime have only women in your mind” Warang pissed off Naow again.

Manaow: Me? will change?? HAHAHA never” she said jokingly

Warang: Let's go, You know too much”

We don't ride cars anymore, We just walked, the place we were going to was close to, said warang.

and soon we arrived at a bar and we immediately saw what warang was saying were his new friends.

Them: Warang here!” warang's friends called them.

Warang and Manaow approached them.

Prang: Hey warang, you didn't tell us that you were coming here with someone. who is she?? introduce her to us”   smile while talking.

even though Prang's strange smile to Naow was against Warang's will, she did not hesitate to introduce it.

Warang: Manaow is my childhood friend...she just arrived from the U.S.A., Manaow they are my classmates/friends Prang, Thida, Lada, and Gyo.”

Manaow: Hi nice to meet you all” Manaow said while smiling.

Them: Nice to meet you too” they said together.

Gyo stared at Naow....

Gyo POV:
She's pretty and cool, i like the way she smile..” she whispered in his mind.

Prang: Gyo are you okay? you've been an idiot for a while... what are you thinking??” Prang asked her curiously.

Gyo: Huh?? umm nothing...” she said with a smile while looking at Naow for a moment.

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