Part 3

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As Manaow went down the stairs, she saw his dad eating with her mom.

Sweetie.. eat first before you go, join us with your dad to eat.” mom

No more mom, I'm late....I'll just eat at the cafeteria.”manaow

Eat at least a little... come here, sit next to your dad.” mom

It's 7 am mom, our starting class is at 8, it's hard if I'm late for my first day at school...I'm still a transferee student.....alright mom...I'll just eat in the cafeteria.... bye bye.” she immediately went out and didn't wait for his mom's answer

—⏩— —

When Manaow arrived at the school, the students she passed couldn't help but look at her.

I know I'm cute but why are they looking at me like that?”she whispered

She's cute, is that a transferee student?, woah! she's beautiful, cool and handsome at the same time!” students talk.

Manaow ignored them and continued walking to find her room.

Before Manaow entered her room, she first went to the principal office where her aunt, her father's sister, CARLA.

Aunt carla!!” she called her aut while smiling.

oh! nephew, it is true what your dad told me that you will study here.” her aut principal

Yes Aunt.”

They hugged each other for a while.

Um, I just passed by here to see you aunt...alright, I'm leaving, I might be late for my first subject...I'll still look for my room.” manaow

Alright nephew, be nice to your class okay.her aunt

Your niece is always kind aunt Hahaha.” she said smiling and walked out.

She found their room and now she is preparing herself to go inside.

Okay class, I will introduce you to your new classmate...” said the teacher and immediately called Manaow who was outside the door.

Manaow entered immediately, the teacher opened the door for her.

Manaow walked to the front and faced the whole class.

She felt curious... because from what she could see, all the students were mesmerized by her.

But only one stole her attention, gyoza who also stunned her.

Gyo POV:
Oh my God!! is she my classmate? I thought she would just transfer to this school, why wasn't I informed that we are at the same level.” she whispered to herself while looking at manaow.

Okay Park introduce yourself.” teacher

Hi I'm Manaow park, just call me naow in short, 20 years old....nice to meet you all.” she introduced herself to everyone but her eyes were only looking at gyoza.

Is she crazy? why is she looking at me and then smiling? Is there something on my face?” gyoza asked himself.

Park, sit there on the the middle of warang and gyoza.” said their teacher.

Yes sir.” she answered and she immediately went to the seat that the teacher pointed to her.

Ehemm...that feeling of having your crush sitting next to you.” warang teased at manaow.

Shut up!! if you don't want me to strangle you.” manaow said softly.

Naow simply looked at Gyo while they were listening to the teacher's discussion.

Naow looked at Gyo again but Naow didn't know that Gyo was also looking at her, their eyes met... surprised and both looked away.


Gyo POV:
What are you doing gyo, you're embarrassing.” she whispered to herself.  ”Don't say you like her? No no...Remember that you are the campus president and you can't fall in love with that new transfer student—

Gyo...Gyo!!! HEYYY GYOOO!!!” prang called Gyo several times.

Ouch!!!! lower your's so loud, you even beat the speaker!” gyo said while holding his ear.

LoL!  I've been calling you for a while,  what are you thinking again?? since you met manaow you've always been an idiot, oh wait don't say you have a crush on her?” prang teased her.

Huh?.... I? has a crush on her?....are you crazy?? HAHAHA well...I want you to know that if I have a's on a boy, not on a know I'm straight.” she tried to smile as if she lied.

Really? why did I see you can't take your eyes off of her?” prang teased her again.

Why? is it not allowed to look at her?” gyo

Well, it's's just strange how your eyes look at her...the stickiness of your eyes on her as if it meant something else💬...ehemm sis, crush is just there is nothing wrong if you admit to me that you have a crush on her hm.”it scolded her friend.

Gyo looked at prang with no emotion on her face. she immediately took it back and signed.

Okay fine...Y-yes, I have a crush on her....but don't tell her or anyone... others are not allowed to know because I am the president of the campus.” she stammered.  ”why are you looking at me like that??” she added because prang was just looking at her.

Tss! finally you admit it, who would have thought that the president of the campus would immediately fall for the transferee student.” she said with a smile while fixing her bag.

That's just a crush, admiration yes just admiration.... I admire her so why?” she stammered

Hmm....that's different girl, it's not called admiration anymore....that's what we call....LOVE.” prang

Huh?” gyo

Huh-hatdog, chesdog your blast.” prang teased. gyo hit her arm at the same time.

Oh my gosh the pain huhuhu!!!” prang

Ssshhh shut up!! That's not all you'll get from me if you don't stop.” gyo said. ”wait, where are our classmates?” gyo asked because she and Prang were the only people in the classroom.

They came out a while ago... helloooo it's lunch time!! you've been an idiot for a while...even warang and the new transferee call you, you don't even pay attention to them and you don't seem to hear anything...tss!” prang

Tss!!” smirk at prang

What??” prang

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