Plot A 01

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Cave Prison, "Courtyard"

Chase gripped onto his flag, as he stood behind the starting line. He stared at the other three opponents, all four of them prisoners of the dark army of Badan. Each one representing a different section of the prison.

"We won't lose...or die," Kuroi said.

Chase gave a look to the man next to him representing the "human" team, Kyoichiro Kuroi aka Kamen Rider Sango.

"We're all gonna die! Chuuuuuu!" Mole shouted barely being able to grip his flag.

He was Mole Beastman, a friend of Kamen Rider Amazon, something he had told them many times. Part of Team Monster.

"I'm just grateful to be alive..even if my time is short," Kaidou said.

Kaidou was an Orphenoch with the power of a Snake, ally of Kamen Rider Faiz. Part of Team Orphenoch.

"Hahahahaa!" An echoing laugh behind as a literal demon floated above them, "Yes..dogs! You shall go through this obstacle course...or die..!"

He was Golgos. A giant red Demon-head with ten faces, leader of the Gedon Beastman. And he wasn't bluffing, Golgos required regular human sacrifices to sustain himself. Literal blood. These weekly obstacle courses were a test to decide if the prisoners were worth living. A cruel form of torture, he really wanted to make this place seem like Hell.

"Go..!" he shouted.

Chaser ran forward immediately transforming into his Mashin Chaser form for protection of what was coming. He watched the others do the same thing as Kuroi transformed into Sango and Kaidou into Snake Orphenoch. Mole Beastman just followed best he could.

The first stretch of the run was simple. Get through a series of wooden walls. It didn't seem dangerous, in fact Sango and Kaidou were able to simply jump over it. It was when Golgos activated the giant wall of fire that chased them was when it became dangerous. It was pretty slow but unfortunately, Mole Beastman wasn't the fastest runner and he would have to borrow under the walls.

"These Obstacle Course plans from the defunct Neros Empire are perfect!" Gorgos said laughing.

Chase looked behind him and Mole was barely keeping up.

"Keep going!" Kuroi said, "They're trying to break our spirit!"

"It's working!" Mole shouted, "My spirit is broken and out of breath!"

Chase came to the walls and worked out the math in his head. He had no choice. None of them deserved to die like this. He threw his arms over his head and crashed through the first wooden wall then the second and the third! This would clear the way for Mole.

Seeing Chase's resolve Mole seemed to gain a burst of adrenaline and ran a little faster catching up to the group. The wall of fire was still behind them and wouldn't stop.

"As a reminder you may submit to Badan at anytime!" Golgos said, "Life to those who betray the Kamen Riders!"

Next up was a simple trek across deep water walking across light wooden planks. All one would have to do is not mess up and all four could easily make it across for extra time to survive the upcoming minefield. Chase hoped his Roidmude status along with Kuroi's cybernetic nature would help them detect the mines.

Kuroi was the first across the water skillfully not even getting wet, Kaidou remained at the water's edge as Chase raced past.

"We need to hurry!" He said to Kaidou as he carefully hopped his way across.

He turned around as he heard Kaidou jump followed by a splash. Chase made it across as he turned around to find Kaidou had fallen into the river. Kuroi was also watching.

"Wait!" Kaidou shouted, "I can't swim!"

Mole Beastman was then clunkily making his way across, slowly but carefully. He passed by Kaidou.

"Sorry if I help you, I die too!" He said.

"He's right," Kuroi said, "We can't let one man drag us down."

"Survival of the fittest is the rule," Chase said.

The remaining three then ran off together abandoning Kaidou.

Of course, this was part of the plan. Chase remembered discussing it.

It was the Lawyer's (Kitaoka's) escape plan. Kitaoka was too "normal" to run the Obstacle Course so Golgos found exempted on the basis he would be too boring.

"Inside Badan there is a man," Kitaoka said, "If they do not give him what he wants, (which they can't) will strike back, our goal is to ally with him."

Understanding humans was still difficult for Chase but Kitaoka's logic made sense. They needed a person on the inside of Badan.

"They wouldn't take me or Chase, Golgos hates Mole." Kuroi said.

And Heart is too unstable. Chase thought.

"So you're saying it has to be me," Kaidou said.

Kuroi nodded.

"I don't know if it's what Kiba Yuuji would do," Kaidou said, "But I'll go."

He then flashed back to now. Kaidou would be submitting by now, Golgos would save him and he placed into Badan. Now all they had to do was survive till a prisoner break.

He then remembered something else Kuroi said.

"They don't want to kill us," He said, "They want our bodies and souls. If we don't hurry they'll perfect the brainwashing machine. Everything else is just torture."

Despite the possibility of the flaming wall coming from behind them, the thought still sent a chill up Chase. The idea of his body being no longer his again, disturbed him. He'd rather die than lose his will.

Kamen Rider Villains Badan Empire Part 1 Monster AllianceWhere stories live. Discover now