thoughts of reality

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axel's pov

After I reached my home in crocus a couple of days earlier, practically dragging my self there. I stayed at home under the roof of safety for the time being. I sit and read by my fireplace near the window that stares down over the central part of the city. Near the place where the grand magic games are held each year. ( I think its every year, plez tell me if im wrong. )

- sigh - That girl, there was nothing special about her but still she captivated me. Took over my mind, commanding herself captain of the fortress of my thoughts. I even lose focus when reading and forget what I have just read, so I have to re-read the whole current page over and over again, reasulting in me losing complete interest in the book, might aswell put the book down then. But there she goes again with her claiming flag soaring in my head as if I will never regain control of my thoughts ever again.

I close the book im reading as the words just dont seem to reach my interest and decide to go put it back... and maybe get a coffee aswell, im exausted but the pillow just isnt calling for me just yet. I head out of my door and lock it securely before walking passively on the pavement towards my temporary heaven, enjoying the breeze against my face. When I open the big doors of the massive libary I go and slide my unfinished novel into the 'return' box. Once its in and gone I step to the spiral staircase leading to the best coffee serving place I have ever been to, even my guild cant atch up to this. Sarah as always is the one to take my orders since I come here every now and then and she is a good friend, but dont see her as a future partner. 

When my order arrives and the hot scented steam of coffee beans is consumed by my nose I sigh deeply in appreciation and thank the waitress kindly as usual. Thinking of some jobs I can do in the future I turn my head lazily to the railing that separates me and the tops of bookshelves and place my head on my palm and gaze down. Skimming over the whole floor for anything interesting I notice that there are not much people who come here. Still looking around a flash of gold catches my eye in the mirror and my restless gaze meets another, not my eyes in the mirror...

hers. and I get up slowly.

i hope its ok. thanks for reading as always.

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