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🐧Madeline's POV🐧

Everyone has gone to their tent and has fallen asleep and I being the turtle that I am still haven't fallen asleep yet, I just can't stop thinking about earlier when Tony and Vic were about to start arguing about which one of them was going to be my tent buddy. I mean it's just that when I was about 4 yrs. Old my dad did business with some guy I can't really remember all I know is that he would come into my room and touch me, he told me if I ever told anyone he would kill my mom and dad and I being a stupid child believed him. But one day I decided to ask my mom if that she and dad were going to die if I told them that the man touched me, at that moment my mom called the police. After that all I remember is going to court and being told that I was too young to know what was going on therefore they thought I was making it up so the guy never went to jail and I afterwards never liked guys touching me. Later in the year I met Sammy and matty we became really close friends so I told them what had happened Sammy told me that her mom also did business with the guy and that he did the same to her. Sammy and I had chosen to tell our parent that day but when we came home we heard that the guy had been in a car crash and died on the way to the hospital, so we never told anyone and matty didn't know who we were talking about because when we met him he told us he had just moved from Milwaukee, WI so yeah but matty understood us so he stuck around and still has through all these years. After a while I got tired and fell asleep.

I woke up and decided to change into some knee length legging with an oversized nirvana t-shirt man is it early I got out of my tent and walked into the house I was in the kitchen sitting on the counter. I guess I could call mom eh whatever I'll just call, the phone rang about two times before she answered "hey sweetie what's wrong?" I thought for a bit before I answered " um hey mom I was just wondering if I could stay at Sammy's for the week" I asked she thought for a bit before she sighed "sure sweetie remember to have fun and that I love you very much, I know mom I love you to" I said back " also sweetie I have a case in New York so I'll be gone for the week, I'll come back next Sunday though and I know you don't like staying at the house without me so you can stay oh and before I go how would you like to have a mom daughter time the week after I come back I have that week off" I smile at that "yea sure mom that be great bye I love you and also make sure to whip some criminal butt while you're out there" I said laughing "I will and you Madeline Scarlett Langdon remember that I love you even though I go away a lot, I will bye mom" I said before I finally hung up I checked the time it was 7:02 a.m. uggggghhhhh curse me and my waking up early. I sighed I'm going to miss my mom I mean she's going to be on the other side of the fricking country for god's sakes.

Me and my mom have a special relationship we actually get along very well she's always been there for me when I've been upset we've always have liked going to new places together like the zoo, movies, mall, bowling, diner. Whenever she has had a week off work she takes me out of school to go out so that's really cool of her we use to do it with dad but know he's gone. She understand that it use to be our thing before Steve and Jennifer came along and she likes to keep it that way. My mom and dad started a law firm before I was born so they were both lawyers they became really good that now some people hired her all over the country she goes away from time to time for it, but she always brings me back something. Steve is an engineer so sometime he goes away as well, in the end they both make pretty good money so we live in a really big house but my mom came from a poor family. Growing up her and dad actually taught me to value the things that I have unlike Jennifer she has always been a spoiled brat but considering my mom's background she doesn't like being one of those snobby rich people so I and Jennifer go to public school my mom's friends are the same way she only has a few that I know so far and those are Sams parents and matt's parents the others I don't know about.

By the time I was done thinking it was 8:07 a.m. the guys weren't up yet so I chose to make breakfast, I busted out the bacon, pancake mix, syrup, spinach, eggs, toast, sausage, milk, chocolate chips, orange juice, plates, silverware, butter and, some fruit. I got a huge plate and place a lot and I mean a lot of bacon on it and place it in the microwave I cooked them for a minute and a half then moved onto the eggs I made two different types of eggs the first I added milk to make fluffy scrambled eggs and added some salt and pepper the other batch I also added milk salt and pepper the only difference is that I added the spinach to it. After that I made chocolate chip pancakes cooked the sausage in the microwave and made some toast after I was done with that I made a chocolate milkshake. I served three plates with eggs spinach and the other four with normal eggs I place four stripes of bacon on each plate, two sausages, two pancakes, one slice of toast on their plates I placed I glass of orange juice and a milkshake on the side of their plates I also placed silverware and napkins next to the plates. Next I graved a sectioned tray and placed strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, oranges, mango, and finally pineapple in their own section on the tray and placed the tray in the middle of the table along with more orange juice, milkshake, pancakes, bacon, and sausage.

I walked up to Sammy's room and got her blow horn it was 10:18 a.m. and they still weren't up damn. As I ran down the stair I almost fell right now but I didn't so yay! OK so time wake these lazy asses up "HHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKK" I smiled as I pressed the button on the blow horn and watched everyone come out of their tents with a scared or annoyed expression

"come on you dick heads get up its time to eat" I said with a smile "Maddie it's too early for this fucken shit man" maddy said with a groan "fine then I'll go eat all the BACON EGGS SAUSAGE AND ALL THE OTHER YUMMY FOOD ALL BY MYSELF" I said yelling the last part while having a huge grin on my face as slowly the realization started to show on their face. I then ran into the kitchen and they followed me and sat down "I can't believe this I'm in heaven" Jaime moaned out with a mouthful of pancake "oh get a room Jaime" matty said "only if you join me" Jaime shot back while wiggling his eyebrows. We all watched as matty turned red "this is the best breakfast I've ever had and to think your little self was going to eat it all" mike said "thanks mike but I learnt from the best" "and who might that be?" he asked looking at Sammy already knowing the answer "oh shut up and eat your food Michael"

Sammy scowled. "Hey what's that's that green stuff in your eggs" Tony asked. "Oh it's just some spinach" I said "oh" I was about to put more in my mouth when Vic stole my egg "hey that was my egg he just stole my awesomely delicious egg Sammy do something" I said and Sammy graved all of vics bacon and sausage and gave it to Jaime and mike "hey that was mine" "shouldn't have stolen bacon from my sister then" "sister you don't have a sister" "oh shut up turtle she's my fake sister along with my fake brother matty" Sammy said grinning "oh." I saw Vic about to grave more bacon from tonys plate when I quickly graved it and popped it in my mouth "hey that was mine" Vic and Tony said "technically it was mine since I was the one who cooked it but I'll be nice so here Tony have more bacon I said graving the last two pieces of bacon from the plate in the middle of the table. After a while we were done eating and placed the dishes into the dishwasher.

"OK everyone get up shower change and get some money cause we are going to Greek fest" I said smiling and went up to my room yes I have my own room at Sammy's house. Matty and I both have our own room here at Sammy's house.

There is her parents room then there is Sammy's room mattys room and my room and finally two guest rooms matty and my houses are the same except with another room then Sammy's and obviously we all have a party room, study, game room, foyer, kitchen, living room, pantry, dining room and a library that is connected to the study and finally a pool in the back yard of our houses there pretty big and our parents are very close their practically siblings except with different birth parents kind of like Sammy matty and I so that practically explains why we each have our own room in each other's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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