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Anneliese and I started making our way to her fathers' home, Elias Wright.

I have known Anneliese my whole life, I always knew what her family was involved in at a young age. At the age of seven, I witnessed Elias murder my father because he wanted to be with my mom. My mother hated Elias more than the greek god Zeus, and he has done some fucked up things. Elias and my father used to be best friends, they remained close until I was age six.

I know something happened between them. When he died, she died with him. Physically she is alright as she can be but mentally she needs help. Help that costs money. I have grown a hatred towards Elias for what he has done to my family.

I promised my mother I will get revenge.

"Hey Stinky, you're awfully silent, what's bothering you?" says Annelise looking over at me while she is driving.

"Stop calling me stinky, Anne. Nothing is bothering me, I'm just thinking of what I am getting myself into this time" as I am trying to sound concerned yet annoyed.

"You know, I am so tired of the annoyed tone you have with me. When we were young, you never had that tone. You needed more money than a normal nine-five couldn't give you, right? I offered a position my dad is trying to hire for, I know you'd be perfect for this job. Plus it's not all bad, okay? We get to hangout more often...maybe as partners" she tells me in a flirty tone.

"You're right, I do need the extra cash and my current job isn't cutting it anymore. It's just this is a new realm for me. You have been in this life since you were born. Of course it's not all bad because you are trained. I'm not. Death would come eventually but now death seems to be around the corner eyeing me down" I sigh.

"You're overreacting, I haven't died right" she says with a smile.

"Yet" I tell her, looking at her with a more serious face.

She parks the car a few feet away from her home. She had to park a few feet away in case she was followed. It is easier to lose someone on foot than driving. Her car is also very distinct with illegal tints on the windows, stickers on the bumper, and dark pink rims on the wheels. We start walking towards her home, the same home that ruined me. Before the incident, I looked up to her father as a second father, my admiration for him died.

We walked up to the door and he was eagerly waiting for us. He opens the door to greet us, he looks so happy seeing his daughter as she gives him a big hug. After he hugs his daughter, he brings me in for a hug and whispers,

"I have a mission for you already, if you're interested." said Elias as he let go of the hug and gave me a pat on the shoulder. I gave him a slight smile, being in this home makes me feel disgusted. Knowing people like him ruin other people's lives for fun.

We start making our way towards the kitchen and Elias tells his chef to go home for the night immediately, whatever he was washing can be done in the morning, the chef complied and left the kitchen.

Elias and Anneliese start catching up. It has been a couple of months since they last saw each other to keep her out of the eyes of his enemies. Once they wrap up their conversation, he looks at me as if I have an answer for his question. I look at him and say

"Yes" as confidently as I can sound.

"Perfect, there has been someone or a group killing off my men every night. They use a bullet perfectly angled that goes upward with the starting point between the eyes going upwards into the brain." Elias says angrily.

"I need you to find out who they are. Think you can handle the task? Every week you will get paid based on the information you are able to give me. No information, no payment, simple as that, understood?" says Elias in that stupid condescending tone he always has.

"Are there other ways I can get paid? I really need the money, granted some days there will be dead ends or no information." I say trying to negotiate.

"I receive shipments every night and early morning, if you are waiting on information or it's a dead end.. Which shouldn't be an option. I will pay you extra, just make sure I receive all my shipment, easy enough?" he says in a caring tone.

"Deal." I say knowing I just gave my life to the devil willingly.

Anneliese and I say our goodbyes to Elias. As I am walking out the door, I see a sparkle about 100 feet away from us. I let Elias know what's over there. All he had to say was "There's your first clue, go and see what or who that is and report back immediately." he said furiously knowing the possible person or group who kills his men is just 100 feet away, undetected. Impressive.

That sparkle intrigues me, I have never seen something shine so bright before. Shining brighter than Sirius A. I need to know more about who or what is over there. 

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