Chapter 13: The Second Bishop

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It was the same as last time when Lambert went to kill Leshy, "stay safe out there" you said giving Lambert a warning look, you knew things were only going to get harder soon, the Followers bid him good luck again on his way out, Leshy was the youngest of them all, but Heket is older than him and she already proved her worth by sending a famine, so a fight with her will not be an easy task.

To keep your mind occupied instead of worrying, and to do this, you decided to make some lanterns, it was getting too dark at night to see anything, making it hard to get to the tents, the Followers helped you with this task and helped pick a few parts; in the end, you only made three, one by the tents, one at the entrance and the last one by crafting area you use, it was a good idea to put a lantern there, that way you can see what you were doing.

You and the Followers had a lot of fun doing this and it made the cult look pretty, you made a mental note that when you have resources to spear you would try and decorate the cult when you have the time, but due to the fun you had with the Followers it was already starting to become night. The lanterns really made it worth it, no more walking blindly at night trying to get to the tents.

When you woke up, Lambert was still gone, but knowing the Followers were going to wake up soon you made your way to the cooking fire and start with the morning meals, as usual, the Followers started to get up when the smell of food wafted in the air, you all ate and chatted happily.

You all got to work on your daily duties, for you it was always the farm, you had to till the soil yet again to plant more seeds, the soil still felt so dry and hard, but then something shocked you, as you continued it was becoming smooth, you took a closer look at the dirt and right before your eyes the hard clumps turned soft, you run your paw on the ground and the roughness of the dirt before is not gone, you inspected some more spots and it turns out the whole farm looked fertile again.

Even though you did not finish you walked to the transport podium, the Followers saw this and followed you and just as you expected the podium began to glow red, then Lambert appeared and pulled out another thorned heart, but still the Followers cheered at the sight, but it still made you feel sick.

The Followers continued to do their duties as you stayed, you took a look at Lambert "You don't look like you got hurt this time".

"Nope! But it was a hard fight" You can not help it anymore.

"I need to ask, what is with the hearts? How do you even get them? They are sickening to look at" Just thinking of the strange hearts made you feel grossed out.

"The hearts make me more powerful, and I get them from the Bishops when I finish them off"

You had more questions than answers, but you had a feeling you did not want to know the answers to the questions.

You followed Lambert to perform a victory Sermon, the Followers entered eagerly to hear what their leader had to say.

"I am back once again and today I again defeated a Bishop that guards the chain that holds The One Who Waits, we are halfway done, and the one below shall be freed soon, but for now, we shall celebrate this victory!"

The bonfire ritual had started once again, you looked out at the dancing Followers realizing most of them really could not dance, but one Follower caught your eyes, it was the fennec fox Arkity, they did not dance as much, but they did look at Almer and fey who were dancing together again, you looked at Arkity's eyes and it was more like they were staring daggers at Almer but softened at Fey, you smelled some drama coming, you did not know if you are excited to see this unfold or worried that someone will get hurt.

The fire finished and the Followers left the temple, Lambert saw the thinking look on your face "Is something wrong?" he asked, worried that you had something troubling you.

You giggle at his concern "Oh, it's nothing, just thinking something interesting might happen" Lamber tiled his head not knowing what you were going on about, but chose to ignore it for now.


Quick A/N

For some reason, I had a hard time writing this chapter thanks to writer's block, but I am trying to release a new chapter every 3-4 days.

Now have a (Y/N) fashion show (I might make a few more if I get any more ideas)

Now have a (Y/N) fashion show (I might make a few more if I get any more ideas)

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