Chapter 32: Spending Time With Pestilence

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In the morning you woke up early as usual, praying to the graves, tending the farms, and preparing everyone's meal, you keep one bowl close as you eat with the rest of the cult, moving it away from any followers that were trying to get more than they need.

When you finish cleaning and returning the bowls to the right place you make your way to the healing bay, when you enter, you Kallamar holding something.

"Good to see you up" Hearing your voice surprised him, he ended up dropping the mortar and pestle he was holding from the jump.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look around!" As Kallamar got down to pick up the dropped items he bumped into the table that had a few spoons and cups, causing a few to fall off.

Before he makes more of an accidental mess you hold on to him to stop moving. "Hey, calm down, take a breath" he finally stops and takes a deep breath "There we go".

"I didn't mean to make a mess" he sounds so ashamed.

"Hey, don't worry about it, here, just relax" You give him his bowl of food and he sits on the bed to eat, and you start to tidy up the mess.

When everything is back in its place you turn back to Kallamar.

"How are you feeling?" You ask.

"I... I feel better, thank you" he avoided looking at you, however, you can tell he is still a little scared, what you do not know is if his fear comes from arriving at the cult or because you look like Lambert.

"What Lambert told you yesterday, don't take it to heart, he doesn't really mean it...I hope" You said that last part mainly to yourself, that is when Kallamar covers his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Take it easy, why are you apologising?"

"I didn't mean it! I couldn't control who I picked".

As he refused to look at you, you managed to put two and two together.

"Kallamar, look at me" Your voice is gentle, he gained the courage to at least look In-between his fingers. "As you can see, I'm all better now and I don't resent you for what happened" Kallamar still looks uneasy "If it helps think of it this way, you made me sick, but when you got to the cult you also got sick" eventually Kallamar uncovers his face, but a look of shame still lingered.

Not wanting to bother him anymore, you begin to tidy up the area you used last night when you made Kallamar his medicine, just then you feel someone looking over you, it was Kallamar looking over the ingredients.

"Are you curious" Hearing that you catch him looking he gets slightly red with embarrassment, and you let out a chuckle, "It's alright. It's mainly crushed camellia flowers".

"...the flower?" The statement caught you off, and you look back at him with a head tilt "If you use the seeds along with a few dry petals the effects will be stronger...a-and the taste is more bearable".

"Oh, I didn't know that I'll keep that in mind, thank you!"

Kallamar gave a nod "I...I don't mind helping..."

"I would appreciate that"


Quick A/N

I felt bad for not posting anything because I was sick so I wanted to post this chapter ASAP as a 'sorry for the wait, here's a chapter!' sort of thing. and yes, I see the irony of me getting sick as soon as I start Kallamar's chapters.

p.s, I had to write this chapter and chapter 31 on my phone,  so I'm sorry for any mistakes.

s, I had to write this chapter and chapter 31 on my phone,  so I'm sorry for any mistakes

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