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It's just now processing to me that Saccharine is going to hit its' two year anniversary this year?? HELLO???

It feels like both an eternity ago and just yesterday that I originally began the story of Queen Camilla Candy, and I just... I don't know how to feel! It's a very bittersweet feeling.

I had originally based her story off my own life experiences. And while there are parts of it that I no longer identify with, and parts that are always tied to my experience as a human, going back to reread Saccharine feels bittersweet. Like catching up with a long lost friend.

And I'm still shocked that new readers are still coming in. I'm very grateful, but still surprised! It's very flattering to have people read and enjoy this, and I'm so glad this story has been heard by so many.

Overall, I would just like to say thank you!!! Thank you so much, all of you!

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