1 - TEASER ♥️

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Being newly single with two children, Lily and Jack, certainly came with challenges, but I was immensely grateful for how effortlessly co-parenting with Vanessa worked out. We had established a mutual respect for one another, which made our shared commitment to the well-being of our children a priority above all else.

This week, the kids were with me, and as I settled back into life in Los Angeles—something I hadn't fully embraced since our separation—I felt an intoxicating mix of nostalgia and hope. The city was familiar yet different, and after nearly two years away from the film industry, I was eager to dive back into a career that had been a significant part of my identity.

It was a bright, sunny afternoon, and I was lounging outside by the pool, watching Lily and Jack splash around, their laughter echoing in the air like music. The simple pleasure of those moments brought a sense of peace that I had longed for during the more tumultuous times of my personal life.

Just then, Hilda, my ever-reliable housekeeper, stepped outside, interrupting my reverie with her announcement. "Mr. Depp, your sister, Christine, is here."

"Oh! Thank you, Hilda. Have her come out, will you?" I said eagerly.

Christi walked out of the backdoor soon after. As Lily and Jack spotted her, they dashed across the yard, their bare feet slapping against the cool grass, their laughter ringing like music in the humid summer air.

With outstretched arms, they enveloped her in a tight embrace, their tiny bodies soaking her outfit instantly, but she hardly registered the dampness, too caught up in their joy. "Aunt Christi!" they squealed in unison, their faces glowing with delight and mischief.

"Oh, good to see you two!" she exclaimed, her smile broadening as she reveled in the infectious happiness that radiated from them.

I chuckled softly, walking over to join the scene, teasingly adding, "You two have gotten your aunt wet now."

They paused briefly, glancing at each other with mischievous grins before giggling.

"Oh, it's fine! It's hot enough outside; it should dry in no time," Christi reassured me with a relaxed smile, her demeanor exuding a mix of warmth and carefree spirit as the children scampered off in a flurry of energy to continue their summer adventures, leaving her laughing in their wake.

"How's it going?" I asked as we sat under the shaded area, the warm sunlight filtering through the leaves above us, creating a dappled pattern on the ground. The gentle hum of Lily and Jack's laughter accompanied the soft rustling of the trees, making for a perfect backdrop to our meeting.

"Everything's great. I am just stopping by to bring this script I've received for you," she said, placing a neatly folded script on the table. My curiosity piqued as I glanced at the title; it read "To Have and Have Not" reboot.

"Can I get you something to drink, Christine?" Hilda asked with a warm smile. Her demeanor showed her kindness as she looked between us, ready to accommodate our needs.

"Yeah, that'll be great. Water is fine, Hilda. Thank you," Christi responded, her voice light and cheerful. As Hilda moved away to fetch our drinks, I couldn't help but admire the script before me, anticipation building within for its possibilities.

"So the script..." I said, redirecting her attention to the script before me.

As I did, Lily and Jack ran up to the table, their energy infectious—a delightful distraction. Lily threw her arm around my shoulders, tilting her head onto mine, a gesture that warmed my heart. Jack plopped between us, his brow furrowed as he took a sip of water, clearly more interested in hydration than our literary pursuits.

TO HAVE AND HAVE NOTWhere stories live. Discover now