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Tommy had long moved out of the downtown LA apartment, a place that had once been a refuge for me, and he had transitioned to a sprawling house in the Hollywood Hills.

Johnny and I walked inside the front door, greeted by a lively atmosphere filled with the smooth sounds of jazz music wafting through the air, woven perfectly with the effervescent laughter of my closest friends. It felt like a scene pulled straight from a movie, one where the warm glow of friendship embraced everyone present.

"Guys!" I called out, tugging on Johnny's hand to draw attention to our arrival, my heart racing excitedly. "I have brought a special guest with me!"

I could feel Johnny's soft chuckle beside me, a soothing melody that matched the music. As I poked my head through the living room, my eyes landed on Nate and Sam, comfortably sprawled on the couch, her legs playfully draped across his lap, the image of relaxed intimacy.

Meanwhile, Selena and Fin occupied the coffee table, their glasses of wine shimmering under the soft lights as they engaged in light conversation.

Just then, Amara came barreling towards me with open arms, her embrace warm and genuine, followed closely by Tommy, whose grin stretched from ear to ear.

Soon, the entire crew had gathered around us, creating a cozy circle filled with curious smiles and eager energy.

"So, Johnny, this is – Selena, Nate, Tommy, Amara, Fin, and Sam," I introduced each of them, pointing out each friend as they waved or shouted playful greetings. "And this," I said with a flair of excitement, gripping his hand tightly in mine. I glanced up at Johnny; his smile was bright and genuine, lighting up his features. "Well, he needs no introduction, but he is THE Johnny Depp," I grinned, the truth of my words evident as we both shared a hearty laugh that echoed around the room.

"Yeah, the very one, I suppose," Johnny said softly next to me, a hint of humility that only endeared him more to my friends.

Suddenly, Fin's voice rang out from behind the crowd, "Care for a drink, Johnny?" The offer broke through the laughter and excitement, and I watched as Johnny turned to face him with a warm nod.

"Oh yes. Thank you, Fin," Johnny replied, his voice ingrained with gratitude.

Everyone was desperate to get Johnny's attention, making it too easy for me to sneak into the kitchen with Tommy.

The door swung shut behind us, muffling the sounds of our friends' revelry, and I turned to find him standing there, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What in the world?" he whispered, his hands finding my shoulders in a gentle but firm grip.

A soft laugh escaped my lips as I played innocent; "What?" I feigned ignorance, but the teasing glimmer in his eye told me he wasn't buying it.

"You know what!" he shot back. "Hand holding?" he probed, eyes narrowing slightly, trying to decipher the hidden meaning behind our casual intimacy.

"It's friendly hand-holding. I hold your hand constantly," I replied, my heart racing too fast for comfort.

"I'm gay, Olivia." His words rang out, flat and unyielding, causing me to chuckle. "This man is not gay," he added. "And the way y'all are holding hands seems like it's a lot more than friends," he continued.

"It's not," I insisted, though deep inside, I couldn't shake the growing desire for it to be something more significant than mere friendship.

We gathered around Tommy's dinner table, a scene brimming with warmth, the kind that only a home-cooked meal can inspire. "Tommy is a great cook!" I told Johnny, feeling overwhelmingly grateful as I inhaled the savory aromas wafting through the air.

The table was adorned with colorful dishes that showcased Tommy's culinary talents—from perfectly roasted vegetables glistening in olive oil to a rich, bubbling pasta that promised an explosion of flavor in every bite.

"It looks great, Tommy," Johnny complimented, his eyes widening in appreciation as he took in the spread.

I couldn't help but glance at Tommy, practically beaming under the praise, his cheeks flushing a delicate shade of crimson. The sight was utterly endearing, and despite my efforts to maintain a composed demeanor, I felt the urge to laugh bubbling up within me, threatening to escape as I watched him fidget nervously under the attention. However, I held in my laughter.

"So you two are staring in a film," Selena said, turning to face Johnny with a curious sparkle in her eyes as though she couldn't quite wrap her head around the situation.

"Yeah, Bacall and Bogart's love story," Johnny replied casually, sparking a wave of confusion that washed over Selena's face.

"Who?" she asked, her brow furrowing in bewilderment.

"Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall," I chimed in to clarify, turning back to Johnny with a hint of amusement. "My friends don't know much about classic Hollywood movies."

The laughter bubbled up when Selena exclaimed, "Wait, so y'all are going to be kissing?"

"If they're lovers! Sorry, Selena is kind of dumb," Sam interjected loudly, eliciting more chuckles from the group, including Selena, who rolled her eyes and sipped her wine, a bit sheepish.

"I was just asking," she mumbled, though her tone betrayed her defensiveness.

"Yes, we've already had to kiss, actually," I revealed with a playful smirk, prompting Fin's eyes to widen in astonishment.

"What?" Fin exclaimed, leaning forward with genuine curiosity. "How does that work?" he pressed, his face a mixture of intrigue and skepticism.

"How does what work?" I countered.

"I mean, how do you two kiss each other, and I assume you have to act out sex scenes, and then you two are friends?" Fin posed the question as though it were the most logical thing in the world.

"We haven't gotten to those scenes yet," I answered, feeling the adrenaline surge through my veins at the thought of what was to come, the challenge and thrill of it all electrifying my senses. "But it's normal. We're actors," I assured him, trying to bring a sense of clarity to his confusion.

"How do you not fall in love with someone when you're pretending to be lovers on screen?" Nate jumped in, catching a sideways glance from Sam that suggested a wave of unspoken irritation.

"Okay, that's enough wine," Tommy said, attempting to defuse the growing awkwardness permeating the air as though he were the self-appointed peacemaker of our little circle.

"Yes, take it away!" I joked in response to Tommy's comments, letting the laughter serve as a buffer for a moment.

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