Chapter 25

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Genevieve awoke the following morning with her memory a little fuzzy she blinked a little as memories of the trial came back. The last thing she recalled was taking the potions from Fig and then essentially blacking out.

It came to her attention that she was lying in his bed which like the one in his guest room back home was soft and comfortable. Then it actually hit her. Professor Fig had given up his bed so she could recover.

Genevieve found herself filled with a mix of gratitude, warmth, and a little guilt. She slowly sat up looking around. There was a wall of book shelves to the left and a wardrobe at the end of the room as well as a mirror.

On the walls hung a map with many little red pins in it as well as a picture of what appeared to be Eleazar and Miriam.

Next to her was a bedside table with a lamp. Her wand lay next to a sheaf of parchment. The room was slightly brighter now as light shone in from under the curtains of the arched window next to the bed.

The door suddenly opened and Professor Fig entered. He looked tired. There were circles under his eyes and his face seemed more lined than usual. His gait also lacked its normal spring.

"Ah you're awake." He said smiling at her.

"Yes," she said quietly.

"How are you feeling?" he asked coming to sit on the side of the bed.

"Much better. What time is it?"

"Nearly 11am," answered Fig. "You needed a long rest. I have brunch waiting for you." He set a bundle of clothes down at the end of the bed. "I also brought you a change of clothes. Evelyn was kind enough to provide."

"Thank you, Professor," said Genevieve. "For everything you've done." Professor Fig patted her hand.

"It was nothing my dear child. Certainly not in comparison to what you've had to face." He stood. "I'll leave you to get ready." He left and Genevieve got out of bed and began to dress. As she finished checking herself in the mirror her eyes glanced up to the picture of Miriam and Eleazar.

It was actually a pencil sketch of the pair though very lifelike. They stood hand in hand between the gates of Hogwarts in their school robes. There was a lion emblazoned on Eleazar's robes and an Eagle on Miriam's. It was slightly odd seeing her mentor only two years older than her in age. His hair was shorter and wavy a bit like Garreth's although blond. Miriam who had a grin full of joy had her chestnut locks pulled back in the same braided style that Genevieve favored the similarity bringing her a strange sense of happiness. Both looked completely carefree.

Genevieve turned and walked to the bedside to get her wand as she did so her had knocked the sheaf of parchment off of the table. Carefully Genevieve picked it up and was unable to help catching the contents which was two lines scribbled in an incredibly precise hand.


You were right about the bowtruckle. I owe you a knut.


The letter was ordinary to anyone else, but Genevieve had a feeling that it meant the world to her professor. She gently replaced it on the table and left the room.

The sight that met her eyes caused her to freeze. In front of the fireplace in Fig's quarters was not only Professor Fig who stood by the mantel but seated in one of the armchairs, Professor Hecat.

"Professor Hecat! I..." Before she could even start trying to think up a convincing ruse Professor Fig shook his head.

"It's alright Genevieve. She knows. Professor Hecat brought several of the potions from last night."

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