As many young Wixen are likely aware, the utilization of tools, such as a focus, has become a ubiquitous aspect of contemporary magical culture. It is imperative that such foci be discreetly concealed, charmed, or enchanted to prevent detection or manipulation by unauthorized individuals. For instance, numerous Wixen who employ jewelry, such as rings or necklaces, as their focus, often have these items imbued with enchantments rendering them unsummonable, unremovable, and invisible to all but the bearer and their blood kin.
However, the enchantment of a wand presents a more intricate challenge due to the inherent magical properties of the wood and core, which can disrupt such charms. To circumvent this obstacle, wand makers may employ one of two methods. Firstly, they may utilize the owner's blood to bind the wand to its chosen wizard for life, ensuring that the wand's fate is intertwined with that of its owner. Alternatively, a wand holster may be enchanted with similar protective charms as those applied to jewelry foci, thus safeguarding the wand when not in use.
Proper maintenance of one's focus must be upheld, as this practice not only strengthens the bond between wizard and tool but also extends the longevity of the focus. Additionally, it is strongly advised against storing wands in back pockets, as this may lead to inadvertent and potentially catastrophic consequences, such as the unintended activation of spells resulting in injury.
In conclusion, this section has provided an overview of magical foci, emphasizing the importance of discreet concealment, enchantment, and maintenance to ensure their effectiveness and longevity.
Principles of Magic
FantasyThis short piece of fiction tells a particular author's thoughts on magic and what is necessary to use magic.