Welcome to Heaven

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Charlie packs clothes into a suitcase, "Okay, I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket, and rain jacket. Wait, does it rain in Heaven?"

"Charlie, you're only going to Heaven for a few hours." Vaggie told her girlfriend.

Charlie stands up, pacing a bit, "Vaggie, we are only going to heaven for a day. And I just wanna be prepared! It's our last chance to convince Heaven a soul can be redeemed."

"Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that…thing." Vaggie tries lying.

"What thing?"

"The thing with the...thing, uhm...fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar."

Charlie takes Vaggie's hand, "Vaggie, you're my partner. I need you there with me."

Vaggie sighs, "Fine."

"Yes!" Charlie hugs and kisses her cheek.


Angel stumbles into the lounge with exhaustion as he huffs, "Oh, fuck."

"Is that you, Angie?" Malphina walks into the room.


Niffty pokes her head out of a plant pot, holding a feather duster, "You look messy! What happened to you?"

"It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone! Twice!" Angel walks over to Malphina, who wraps an arm around him and leads him to the couch.

"What did the asshole do this time?"

"Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dickbag." Angel explains as he straightens his back until something pops.

"Oh, Angel..." Malphina leads him to lie down on the couch, giving him a bottle of water, "Take it easy for the rest of the night, okay? I mean it. No crazy shenanigans, you need rest. You just stay here, relax, change into something comfy, hydrate, and get your strength back up to the appropriate levels while I go into the kitchen and make you one of your favorite dishes. How does that sound?"

Angel looks up at her, smiling softly with a slight sigh.

"Whatchu lookin' at?" the moth demon smiles at him.

"I'm just wondering what I did to deserve an amazing best friend like you."

Malphina blushes a tiny bit, shaking her head, "You approached me the day we met. Give yourself some credit."

Suddenly, the wall explodes with colors of red, everyone in the room jumping in fright.

"Arghh! What the fuck is with that wall?!"

Malphina's eye twitches, "We've had enough of this bullshit. Don't worry, guys. Boom Boom Stick will take care of this." she takes out a rocket launcher and aims it at the hole in the wall.

"Holy shit!" Charlie backs up.

"Why a rocket launcher?!" Vaggie asks.

"Listen, you would get a boner holding this motherfucker." Malphina smirks before her eyes widen at the figure in the smoke.

"What up, hoes?!" a familiar voice laughs.

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