Chapter 7: We Meet Again

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After Manny had left, she begun closing down the diner. Making sure to place everything in their designated spot, so Vincent wouldn't yell at her when she came in the next morning.

She ensured both doors were locked before she walked out into the brisk night. She wore a bright baby pink puffer over her work uniform. Her smooth pink flats perfectly matched her jacket; beautifully contrasting with her dark red hair that fell to her butt.

She was cautious walking home, constantly looking over her shoulder. A sense of relief flooding through her as she spotted her apartment complex. As she walked in, she could immediately hear the pounding music and LED lights that shinned through the bottom of apartment doors.

Though, her night was much different than her peers. She sighed, unlocking her tiny door. Her apartment was silent and dark as she walked in. She took off her puffer, throwing it down on the sofa.

She walked to her bathroom, stripping down till she was naked. She couldn't believe her appearance. Her hair was an utter mess, desperately needing some love and care. Her lips seemed to be permanently swollen from her obsessive biting.

She let the boiling hot water rush over her body. Properly cleaning every inch of herself. When she got out, she applied a conditioning product to her hair. She wanted to define her curls and restore them to their natural glory.

She got dressed in a beige linen night attire, ready to pass out but the empty feeling in her stomach made her ache. She searched the cabinets looking for food but was met with stale Cheerios and a single rotten apple. She loudly sighed to herself.

She peaked at the stove, seeing the market was close to closing. She was grateful the small shop stayed open so late in the night.

She headed out, not bothering to change. She wrapped her wet hair in a messy bun as set out one more time.

The market was barren, the store completely empty besides one older man. He nodded at Franny as she walked in.

She promised herself she would spend as little as possible. Every dime she made needed to go to paying Gus back.

"Mi scusi" a deep voice said from behind her.

She turned around seeing a familiar face. It was the police officer from the night her and Beth went to the station.

He was much more handsome than she had remembered. His thick black hair was perfectly messy atop his head. His five o'clock shadow beard was neatly trimmed.

"Russo.." the name fell off her lips, remembering the card she had tucked away in her nightstand with his name and number on it.

His eyes widened as he recognized her. His lips turning into a polite smile.

"'s Franny right?" he casually asked.

She eagerly nodded her head, yes. The smallest of human interaction exciting her.

"I hope you've been doing alright..." he mumbled, giving her an empathetic smile.

"It's been okay. Beth left, to go back home and well.... Sammy is still gone obviously" she softly said.

She contemplated confessing her soul to him on the spot. She desperately wanted to confide in someone about her arrangement with Gustavo. She was never good at keeping things to herself but confiding in a police officer about paying a mobster back was probably a bad idea.

But should I just tell him, she wondered. The idea playing around in her mind.

"I'm sorry about not being able to help you that night. In fact, you inspired me...I felt like shit after I was so useless to you" he chuckled.

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