Chapter 9: 4th Street

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The Italian music seemed to play throughout the street. The large sign reading "Il Quarto" letting her know that she was in the right place. Her palms were sweating, and the thick air was grossly warm.

She looked around at the people dancing, singing, drinking, and smoking. Everyone barely clothed and grinding against each other like dogs in heat.

Her small frame and bright red hair stuck out amongst the crowd. She wore a red satin slip dress that Christina had let her borrow. A folded-up card with the words "Notte Fonda" was tucked into her hand.

Christina had spent the entire evening helping her to arrange for the meet up. In exchange Franny gave away her shift, praying tonight would end her endless working.

Her lips were painted a bright red with baby pink eyeshadow that had flicks of glitter. Christina even went as far as curling her wavy hair to make it more voluminous.

She awkwardly made her way down the street. The bright moonlight shining down on the partying people.

"Mi scusi" she softly said as a large man bumped into her.

As soon as he looked down at her, his eyes widened. His eyes followed her as she trailed further along the road. Such an innocent looking American was not typically found in this part of town.

She avoided any peculiar stares in her direction, keeping her head tucked down as she walked down the street.

She was unaware of the dark eyes looking at her. Manny watched her walk right past him, staring with his mouth agape. He could not believe the little American was venturing to this side of town. He eyed her suspiciously, reaching down to take out his cell phone.

He held the phone up to his ear, making sure to speak quietly so no one would hear him.

"Gustavo, the American girl is up to something" he said, watching her make her way across the street.

"What girl?" Gus answered, snorting a white substance off his desk.

He balanced the phone in between his shoulder and ear as he rolled a blunt. A naked woman with large fake boobs and filler filled lips sat on his lap, giggling.

"The American..." Manny said, not taking his eyes off Franny.

He looked around before quietly mumbling, "The virgin American."

Manny rolled his eyes at the fact that he knew that bit of information. He loathed the fact that he knew anything about her. The stupid American girl, he thought.

Gus thought back, remembering the tiny girl. He really hadn't thought about her since they made their arrangement. Too busy in his own world of crime.

"I don't give a fuck what the girl is doing, Manny" Gustavo growled, annoyed his evening was being disrupted by something so insignificant.

The blonde trailed kisses along his jawline, leaving sloppy pink stains.

"I don't know what she's doing but I'm hanging out on 4th street" Manny shrugged.

Franny looked up at the flashing sign that read "Notte Fonda". She took in a deep breath, pushing back any tears. The thought of what was about to happen to her was almost too much to handle.

"Americana...don't do that" Manny sighed under his breath.

Stupid fucking girl, Manny thought.

"The fuck is she doing?" Gus responded, clearly smoking something on the other line.

Manny let out a deep exasperated sigh.

"She's going into fucking Late Night" he said, watching her tiny frame mix in with the other people entering the building.

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