Chapter 10: A Fork in The Road

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The door slammed into the wall making Franny gasp. Gustavo casually walked into the small room with an emotionless expression. Manny followed in behind him with his hand on his gun.

The man quickly scurried to pull on his boxers. Franny sat there in shock as she stared at the two worst possibly people to come into this room.

"Gustavo!?" Edwardo said, his eyes widening in fear as he realized who it was.

"Oh shit" she whispered under her breath in disbelief.

Gustavo looked to the man and then to Franny's frail naked body. His eyes dead and he looked rather bored as he let out a sigh.

Franny's mouth was left open as panic coursed through her like a drug.

What could he possibly be doing here? she thought to herself.

"I don't know what's going on" Edwardo frantically said looking back at Franny and then to Gustavo but Gustavo's dark eyes remained glued onto her.

Manny snickered out a sarcastic laugh as he rolled his eyes.

"Look...I don't want any trouble. I just came here for a good time. I don't even know who this girl is!" Edwardo frantically explained.

"We haven't even had sex" he added, hoping to reason with Gustavo.

Edwardo didn't know why Gustavo was here but by the look in his eye, he knew it had to do with the girl.

Gustavo glanced down at the man. He simply nodded his head in a calm understanding. The man took in a deep breath of relief.

"Thank you, Gustavo" he said.

Gustavo grunted in response.

"Alzarsi" Gustavo ordered, his deep tone practically making the walls shake.

Edwardo took in a deep breath as he ran his hands through his hair. His heart was pounding. Franny looked between him and Gustavo still
in shock.

Before Edwardo could stand up, Gustavo swiftly removed his pistol from his waistband and shot him three times.

Blood splattered across her legs as she screamed.
Edwardo dropped dead in an instant, landing with a thud on the dense mattress. A round bullet hole remained in his head, his chest and his stomach. Blood seeped into the mattress, staining it a dark crimson color.

"Oh my god! Stop doing that!" she shouted, images of the last man Gustavo killed flooding her brain.

"Come on, let's go" Gustavo calmly said, gesturing towards the door with his head. He tucked his pistol back into his waistband.

She was panting, staring at the dead man beside her. Her heart was racing and she couldn't make a clear thought. It was as if her mind couldn't process everything fast enough.

Manny refused to look at Franny and her naked body. He stood looking out the door way to ensure that no one was coming towards the room. Though he knew everyone here would never come up to Gustavo.

"What!?" Franny said, her chest heaving up and down.

"Maledetta fretta!" Gustavo groaned, snapping his finger at her.

Franny still didn't move. She stared at up at him with a shocked expression plastered on her face.

"Fucking Americana" he gritted out.

He stalked over to the mattress as she scooted as far back as she could. She shook her head no, silently begging for him to just leave her alone.

He yanked her up by her arm, causing her to yelp out in pain. He dragged her behind him, heading towards the door.

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