Smut III

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A Day out and an Evening in

(Savannah, what chapter is this??? The beginning is kind of a giveaway, but oh well!)

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The day was bright, the wind was breezy, the water was cool, and they couldn't have been happier to be next to each other. Even if the one was continuously teasing the other. . .at a public setting.

"Babe, s-seriously you need to sto-p," the woman weakly demanded. The male just smirked against her neck. He didn't say anything, and instead worked more against playing with her, nipping harshly at her neck while his hand then moved to his lover's thigh, slipping dangerously close to the dip by her heat.

That seemed to be it.

She accidently let out a quiet moan which quickly turned into a drawn out and annoyed groan. She shoved her husband off the best she could, proving difficult since he was, well, him. Strong, sturdy, and wouldn't move a muscle just to make sure he got what he wanted. Especially with her.

Still, she tried.

"Get off, you ass!" she huffed, successfully moving him out a few inches. He didn't fight back though. He was too busy laughing and being entertained by the light rosy shade that danced across the smaller's face.

"What if I don't want to, though?" The dominant questioned rhetorically. She rolled her eyes and got up, feeling rather hungry. And maybe she just wanted to walk away before the mischievous man could try anything else.

He was left lying on the towel, looking out to the water, seeing the sun a bit above the horizon line. This was one of his new favorite places to be at sunset, being next to wife added to his enjoyment.

He did indeed contemplated following her, but figured he'd let her wander off and instead just enjoy the waves of the water and the sound of children's laughter.

He sighed and watched life go on in front of him, until heard footsteps right behind him, and her voice, perking his attention to this beautiful presence.

"I was hungry, so I got a hotdog, and I figured you'd enjoy a hamburger," she said, sitting down in her previous spot. The man smirked and nodded, answering with a thank you before scarfing down the double plain hamburger. He was hungrier than he thought...or maybe he was making up for a different type of hunger.

He watched in delight as his wife finished her hotdog long after he'd finished his food.

By now it was quiet on the sand and the sun was mostly below the horizon, only the top of the sun poking up from below the unsettled water.

He turned to his wife and smiled, rather happy with the quiet. "Should we head home then?" He asked softly, despite his desire to stay in that moment, with her, forever. She hummed quietly, suddenly not trusting her voice.

She realized she was watching him, and admiring just about everything about him whilst he did the same to her. So often, they did, and it always left tingles in her toes and butterflies in her stomach.

So, without a response, she settled for nodding with a fading smile and got up. They packed up their towels and garbage from food and such, walking back to the car.

The man had half a mind to lay the woman down (and tell ya, I'd just love to lay you down~ Song Credit Conway Twitty)(Speaking of that song, it literally just came on while listening to music, while I'm proofreading. What perfect timing!) right in the backseat of their car and have his beloved way with her, but he thought better of it. No matter how much he loved it the first time they tried it, she had said she didn't enjoy the lack of privacy.

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