Fluff I

18 3 1

I Love You, Truly

"I had such a long day, and all day my hair felt like shit," she rambles, shaking her head, willing those discomforts off her as she steps out of the shower. He chuckles and shakes his head with her, more just finding entertainment in her otherwise meaningless talk.

"Sounds like a sucky day," he comments, opening the bathroom closet to grab two towels they had forgotten to grab before hopping into the hot shower. "Whatever would you do without hot water and shampoo?"

"I'd promptly pass away," she jokes with a smile. He snuffles and turns around to her reaching for the towels. He lets her take them, watching her intently as she dries her body off, then wrapping it up in her thigh-long hair. As per routine, he drops his head forward so she can dry his wavy hair off, pronouncing his curls that much more.

He can't help but bite his lip in some sort of love-excitement for her actions and the way the towel feels. Once she's done, their eyes catch. Just for a moment, it truly feels as though their world has stopped. Her eyes sparkle with an admiration he could never explain, or bear to share, and he quickly catches on that she's being bombarded, once again, with an unbearable moment.

Her eyes blink once, harshly, as she turns her head sideways to look down. His eyebrows go up in a silent "aw", feeling bad for her. It's not even close to the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last, but he always feels so bad. She can't control it, but it hurts him to see her like that.

She loves so much, it hurts her.

He smiles, regardless, and watches as she moves to leave, but he holds her wrist securely. She sniffles, so he pulls her back to him. He uses his other hand to lift her chin so their eyes meet once again with a clash, only a war they could ever know. Her eyes stay closed for a moment before she looks at him.

He swipes his thumb across her cheekbone, wiping the few tears that have flooded through her barrier. She sniffles once more before he's leaning down for a kiss. Crying or not, she could never say no to his love. So, she presses her lips to his, inhaling his natural scent, mixed up within his body wash. His arms pull her waist closer, moving her everything else, their bodies bare and nude. She giggles lightly, making me him have to pull back just to smile.

She takes a deep breath, lets it out through her nose, and looks at him with all the admiration she can't help to let out, her sparkling like a thousand fireflies. His eyes only peer into her soul, relishing what he's so lucky to have in his grasp. He'd let her go if he ever truly had to, on her behalf, but to hell if he wouldn't do everything under the Heaven's to prevent it.

He lets his eyes linger on her lips for one second longer, until finally pulling her against him completely to earn a content sigh and slump against his soothing tan skin, hugging her like she could fade if he doesn't.

And in her eyes, she probably would.



554 words

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