Chapter Two

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As the spots disappeared from my vision, I realized we were no longer standing outside of my familiar apartment complex. The sense of danger and the unknown overwhelmed me, making my heart race with fear. My surroundings were unfamiliar and foreboding—towering buildings loomed over us, their windows dark and ominous. The sound of a ringing noise echoed in my ears. Sweat beads formed on my forehead as I struggled to comprehend what had happened and where we were now. Instead, we had been transported into an enormous hall that belonged to a fairytale.

The grandeur of the hall was awe-inspiring, dwarfing me in comparison. If viewed from above, I would be reduced to little more than an ant scurrying around an immense chamber. The beauty of the surroundings was enchanting—the walls shimmered gold and hung with lush red roses that flowed down like a waterfall. A diamond-encrusted chandelier studded with lit candles hung from the ceiling, casting a warm and flickering glow. In the corner, a glass piano glittered, a work of art itself, next to marble flooring inlaid with intricate vine carvings.

The air was thick with an otherworldly atmosphere, and I could feel the weight of ancient secrets lingering in every corner. The mixture of fear and wonder left me breathless, my eyes darting around to take in the surreal scene. The ringing noise persisted, now harmonizing with the distant echoes of unfamiliar voices that seemed to bounce off the opulent walls. Every step felt like an intrusion into a realm far beyond my understanding, and the enormity of the hall only emphasized my insignificance in this fantastical setting.

As my gaze traversed the majestic surroundings, I couldn't help but wonder how I, an ordinary person caught in the mundane routines of life, had been thrust into this fairy tale realm. The juxtaposition of my reality against the magical backdrop heightened the sense of disorientation, leaving me on the precipice of an adventure I never anticipated. The golden walls whispered tales of a forgotten past, and the rose-covered cascades hinted at mysteries waiting to be unraveled. In this moment of uncertainty, the grand hall became a canvas for an extraordinary story that had only just begun.

Suddenly, everything changed, and something fierce ignited within me. The men's grip on me was like iron, and the other man whose orders they followed had a look of thinly veiled contempt on his face. I screamed at them to let me go, but all that earned me were mocking chuckles. My wrists were bound tightly behind my back as I thrashed and struggled against their grasp, desperate to escape. Tears streamed down my face as I pleaded with them for mercy. They tightened their hold even more, and one of them sneered, "Hold her tighter! She's not getting away from us." The panic rose in my throat, and the beat of my heart thundered in my ears.

"Do not flinch, Liz," I told myself repeatedly despite the fear coursing through my every nerve. One of the captors addressed me by another name—Annalise—and I shook my head vehemently, denying it. He repeated it once more: Annalise.

"No," I choked out, "My name is Lizzy Fallon, not Annalise." His face contorted in anger as he uttered slowly, "Your father has sent us for you; he has plans for you, Annalise." Confused, I wondered aloud who this mysterious figure was. "Your father," he growled, and then he declared with thunderous finality, "Annalise, your father is King Alexander."

Before any more words could be spoken, a tall muscular man appeared before me. He strode powerfully forward, stopping just inches away from me, his eyes scanning the men holding me captive with a cold fury.

"Release her at once," he commanded, his voice betraying no hint of fear or hesitation. The men looked at each other uncertainly for a moment before finally realizing who was speaking—the king himself.

"Your majesty, we brought her here as you requested," one of the henchmen stammered out, clearly terrified. A small smile creased the king's lips as he nodded in acknowledgment.

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