Chapter Six

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The sun was just peeking over the distant mountains as we set out on our journey to the Eastern Kingdom. I could feel the excitement buzzing through my veins as I mounted my horse alongside General Galahad and Prince Ethan. We were ready for this mission - to secure an alliance with the mysterious King Philip.

"Today is the day we unite the realms against the forces of King Jamison," Prince Ethan declared, a determined glint in his blue eyes.

General Galahad nodded solemnly. "We will not fail."

I gripped the reins tighter, imagining the day I could finally avenge my first death as Princess Annalise at the hands of that evil king. "Let's ride!"

We thundered down the winding path away from the castle, the clopping of hooves echoing through the quiet countryside. I breathed in the crisp morning air, savoring the feeling of freedom that came with escaping the confines of the stone walls.

The further we traveled from the Southern Kingdom, the more the landscape began to change. Lush green hills slowly gave way to rugged cliffs and winding canyons. The air grew thinner and colder as we ascended into the mountains separating our realms. I had never ventured this far north before. It was both thrilling and unnerving to be in uncharted territory.

"We should reach the Eastern border by nightfall if we keep a steady pace," Galahad informed us, his keen tactical mind already analyzing the terrain.

"Good, I'm looking forward to a warm bed," Ethan said with a charming grin. "These stone cliffs offer little comfort."

I laughed. "Don't tell me the Northern Prince can't handle a little adventure?"

Ethan shot me a sly wink. "I wouldn't dream of it, my lady."

We continued, motivated by the promise of forging a new alliance. With each clip-clop of the horses' hooves, we drew closer to our goal. The Eastern Kingdom awaited, with all its mystery and intrigue. And King Philip, the man who held the fate of our realms in his hands. I could only hope he would see us as allies rather than enemies. Too much depended on it.

We had just crested a ridge when the narrow path opened to reveal a small valley below. I paused to take in the view, admiring the ribbons of blue winding through the rocky terrain. Galahad and Ethan rode on ahead, already discussing tactics for the upcoming negotiations.

I let my eyes wander across the landscape, picking out details - the jagged peaks, the clumps of scraggly bushes, the shadows cast by afternoon light.

Movement suddenly caught my eye. Three men on horseback had cornered a lone traveler against the canyon wall. Even from a distance, their intent was clear. Bandits.

Spurring my horse forward, I raced down the slope without a second thought. "Stop right there!" I shouted, drawing the sword from my belt.

The bandits turned in surprise as I charged into their midst. My sword slashed through the air, forcing them back. The traveler scrambled away, pressing himself against the rocks.

"You'll pay for that!" One of the bandits growled, wheeling his horse around to charge at me. I caught his blade with my own metal ringing against metal. Our eyes locked as we strained against each other.

With a heave, I shoved him back and swiped at another bandit trying to flank me. My sword cut across his arm, making him yelp. The surprise attack had caught them off guard, but they were regrouping. I had to end this quickly.

Digging my heels into the horse's sides, I drove straight for the bandit leader. He raised his sword, ready to cleave into me. At the last second, I ducked and struck out in a wide arc. My blade sliced through his side, sending him toppling from his horse.

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