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Eleanor's legs were so sore. Her and Roy have been running for a while, trying to get away from the dead. They usually would have killed the dead, but once it got to be over a dozen or so, they decided it would be best to run.

Finally, they had managed to get rid of them by setting a timer on a mini clock, and throwing it in the opposite direction.

Eleanor was six years old now, she was so happy she wasn't four anymore like she was when the dead started walking. She finally felt like she was a real big girl. Even though six wasn't a big number to some people, it was to her.

Eleanor thought that Roy was eighteen now, she wasn't positive because when she asked him, he said "it doesn't matter". But she knew if he was eighteen now, he would be turning nineteen soon because he was born on thanksgiving, and it was starting to get colder out, only at night though. It getting colder out also meant having to get new clothes, which was always a struggle. But they made it work out in the end.

Eleanor and Roy were currently eating some squirrel that Roy had hunted and cooked for them to eat.

"Roy?" Eleanor questions.

"Eleanor." Roy mocks.

"Why do you always mock me like that! I was tryin' to ask you a question." Eleanor huffs. She hated when he did that.

"What's your question, El?" Roy asks with a playful smirk.

"Do ya' think we'll ever find Khole?" Eleanor asks, staring at her feet on the ground.

Roy sighs. "I don't know, El."

Eleanor still had hope that Khloe was alive, and she really wanted to find her. "Well what do you think?"

"You really wanna know what I think?" Roy asks and Eleanor nods her head in response. "I honestly don't think she's alive, her or Dad. But I hope they are." Roy answers honestly.

Eleanor felt a slight pain in her chest. She knew it wasn't likely that they were alive, but she still had the slim feeling of hope that they were. She had already forgotten what they sounded like, her Mom too. She tried to remember but she couldn't.

"I hope they are too." Eleanor says before biting into her last piece of squirrel meat. "Are we gonna set up camp here?" She questions after a few minutes of silence.

"Might as well, right?" Roy says with a slight smile and Eleanor nods her head.

Right as they are about to start setting up camp, they hear a twig snap behind them. They both instantly turn around, weapons raised. They see a dirty man with his crossbow slightly raised, and a slightly cleaner man, but with no weapon in his hands.

"Who the hell are you!?" Roy instantly questions while yelling.

Eleanor has her gun pointed towards the man with the crossbow because the other man seemed nicer and wasn't pointing a weapon at them. She always has to raise her arms when pointing her gun because every time she points her gun at something, that something is always way taller than her.

"Woah, it's okay. I'm Aaron." The cleaner looking man -Aaron- says as he holds his hands in front himself to show he's not a threat.

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