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Information for the second half comes  from book 3

Hua Cheng

My entire body was numb as I watched the love of my life lay motionless in our bed. The two of us had returned home from one of his missions a few days ago and he has yet to wake up.

On the day of the incident, he was fighting a ten-foot monster that had an enormous amount of evil qi. His highness being the kind person he is insisted I stay back and do nothing. Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan, Feng Xin, and Mu Qing were with us on the mission as well.

The four of them couldn't care less about me being there, it took time but they finally came to realize that I would never do anything to hurt their friend or in He Xuan's case acquaintance but the other heavenly officials are a different story.

I don't care but since gege didn't want them to falsely accuse me of anything I stayed back and did as he said...........until I couldn't. The five of them had taken it on together. They worked wonderfully to complement and support each other's attacks and did well for a long time.

The beast was stubborn though. With every combined attack they threw at it it refused to go down, with every sneak attack they tried just made it more angrier. I tried my best to get gege to let me help him, he was doing fine at first but was now losing terribly. I had to do something, I had to protect him like he had always protected me but he wouldn't let me no matter how hard I pleaded.

When I saw him get knocked out of the air and fall to the ground hard, I lost it. I grabbed E Ming right away and charged at it full force before jumping into the air. The other four were knocked unconscious as well but I wasn't worried about them. The only person that was fueling my attack was my gege.

With my body full of rage and hate for this creature I swung E Ming and slashed it multiple times while on my way down. Blood gushed everywhere but none of it had gotten on gege thanks to the shield I had placed over him before I fought.

Without a second thought, I went to him and carefully took him into my arms before teleporting us to Paradise Manor where he has been for the past three days.

"Why haven't you woken up yet gege"? I spoke softly as I made my way over and sat next to him. My bed was a king-sized one with velvet red canopy curtains pulled back and a black bed frame. "I need you to wake up for me". I gently pushed a few strands of brown hair out of his face. "I hate seeing you like this my love".

Not many people knew of our relationship but gege and I have belonged to each other since the day he came to Ghost City on a mission with the Wind Master, after that visit is when we truly began to become close.

He's like this because of you. She was right, you are a worthless good for nothing. You failed to protect the one you love most after promising him you'd never let anything hurt him.

I'm sorry gege, I'm so sorry

"I see nothing has changed". Black Water said making his presence known. I said nothing as my back faced him. "The others are looking for him you know. The four of us won't say anything but there is a search party out for his highnesses recovery".

"Now they give a dam about him". "It's mainly for appearances, plus Wind Blossom threw a fit about them finding him". Wind Blossom was the nickname he gave Shi Qingxuan after they started dating.

"They won't find him here, even if they did they wouldn't be able to get through the front door". He went quiet for a while. "I can sense something is troubling you, Hua Cheng. Please don't tell me you're blaming yourself for this. You did as your gege said.

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