18 - Imkaan

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The car was a capsule that promised privacy, halted in the middle of desolate greenery. Clarity just now returned after the cleansing orgasm; Murtasim suddenly realised that the shooter acted on the Sultan's command, intending to harm Meerab in an aim to get back at Amar. Startled, he gripped Meerab ever tighter in the aftermath of messy love making, his primal instinct was to shield her, crushing her naked form within the confines of his thick corded arms.

With the broken engagement, the threat of a bullet subsided into nothing but a new haunting proposal had been drawn up by Harris Sultan Shah.

A candid craving sprouted, wanting to meld himself into her, protect what had finally been attained after years of trial and struggles; Meerab being his fuel source, hate and love being equally powerful.

The reverie was bulldozed shorter when Meerab gasped and shrieked out, ''condom!''

It was as sudden and piercing as a mighty bullet, as sobering as an ice bath.

''Kya?'' Murtasim flinched despite knowing exactly what she bellowed about. (What?)

Meerab's hips lifted. Naked and sticky, they both looked to his penis and the inside of her legs covered in cum; there was no condom in sight as she leaked his victory from between her legs, his seed already buried deep in her intimate crevice.

Her jaw was left ajar with unadulterated shock, whimpering a chocked, ''Murtasim.'' The hot breath hit his face, only heightening realisation of the slip up.

The peaked risk of a baby was an even bigger shock, forcing him to act fast. ''Shh, it's alright,'' Murtasim spluttered in a wave of panic, eyes widening at the impulsive mistake; no wonder they felt so close.

Meerab shakily clambered off him, putting distance as if that would make a difference in the chances of conceiving. ''It's not okay. We can't have a baby yet. Baba mujhe jaan se maardenge,'' she cried, slumping besides him, clutching a piece of fabric to her chest, only now feeling vulnerable despite being stark naked before him. (Baba will kill me.)

''There's no baby Meerab, don't worry,'' Murtasim assured, reaching forward for a tissue to clean himself, wiping down his groin before tossing it out the window. ''Put some clothes on.''

Meerab weakly nod in response, whimpering from being so shaken.

Trying to grasp for control, Murtasim eyed his wife, trying to lessen the distance after what they had lured each other into. ''Why are you so emotional? Aik baar se kuch nahi hota - we'll go get the morning after pill now,'' he voiced as a beacon of reason, reaching down for his underwear before finding her black shirt for her. A finger looped into her bra strap to retrieve what had been discarded; the fun was over. (Nothing happens from slipping up one.)

''I don't know Murtasim,'' she muttered, one leg folded up whilst she turned for him to clasp the bra behind her back. Then she pulled her top on, rolled down over her stomach until they appeared to be a normal couple.

He pressed a kiss behind her ear. ''Main hun na. Tumhari izzat ko kuch nahi hone dunga Meerab,'' Murtasim solemnly vowed, hand yearning to hold her, planted upon her shoulder to tether them closer together. (I am with you. I wont let your image be destroyed.)

''I know,'' Meerab spoke in a breathy exhale, teetering between relinquishing control over to him, and knowing that she would be impacted more than him if anyone else found out about their secret marriage.

''Good,'' he said, open the bottom hem of his white shirt before Meerab clawed it off him.

''What—?'' Murtasim barely got out, perplexed at her reluctance to get dressed.

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