✿ : stupid fox

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Doing the house chores that every woman does, but this is so boring.
I didn't tell anyone about my encounter with the fox.

I was cooking when i heard someone scream outside my window, " THE DEMON FOX HAS SHOWN ITSELF , HE IS AT THE RIVER "

I closed the stove and rushed outside and saw a crowd rushing towards the river. I ran as much as I could and saw blood flowing from the river. I followed the stream and it lead to me a lifeless body of tomoe as it was almost out of blood.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me and with all the energy he had in , he transformed in a 6 year old kid. I picked him up because of his small size and used a shortcut to reach my house.

I ran so much with him in my arms, i kept running and running until my feet hurt. I stopped at the blind turn and looked around if there was anyone , and then ran again.

I reached my house and closed it and layed him on my matras. I bought some cold water and a towel and wiped his blood slowly. I used some medicines that i got from jungle and applied at his wound.

He was still unconscious, I bandaged his arm followed with the chest. I pulled matras above his chest because it was very cold.

I went to the kitchen and made some soup and bamboo leaf-covered rice cake for tomoe.
It was almost evening now and I took the soup and bamboo leaf- covered rice cake and opened the door to where tomoe was sleeping.

He woke up with the noise of door opening and closing. i sat beside him while he tried to get up so i made him sit peacefully. I took a spoon full of soup blowing it and shoved it into his mouth. I could say he was kinda surprised.

He tried to speak but the pain was too much for him. I silenced him and shoved more of the spoons into his mouth. I gave him the bamboo leaf-covered rice cake in his hand and he ate it in small bites.


He came back to his original size and his long silky straight hair fell down to his hips.

" human why are you doing this?" he asked but all i did was stay silent and smiled at him while helping him to lay down.



My eyes opened to see an unfamiliar ceiling. I stood up thinking maybe it was just a dream, " Haha nice dream i met Mikage shrine god , shrine spirits and even that stupid fox hahaha" i started laughing when i was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

I looked at the direction of this noise, and saw mikage clearing his throat with that Fox furious and shrine spirit in worry.

" Oh my Y/N , this is not a dream " The shrine spirits said as that stupid fox went from their furiously.

Oh god , I slapped myself furiously.
" Y/N dear come with me let's eat breakfast"

I nodded but didn't follow him instead went to washroom to freshup. I wore some clean clothes and went to the kitchen to eat with them. I didn't expect them to eat human food, i thought they would be eating rat or reptile.

I passed a smile to everyone and mikage started speaking , "Y/N dear , I would like to speak to you after this meal"

" sure mr. mikage." I replied. The fox remained silent.

We finished our breakfast and I went with mikage and we were walking in the garden.

" you know Y/N , tomoe isnt what he looks like " he said

" uh-huh its just he is always rude" i replied pouting.

" he is not rude dear, he just has a bad history with humans , give him some time. I wont tell you what history because he will tell you himself." mikage said.

i nodded and replied , " I will keep that in mind , Mr. mikage"

" Oh dear no need to be formal just call me mikage " he said as i nodded at his order.

" I wanted to tell you ,I am leaving shrine for some time , so i am entrusting this shrine to you for now" mikage said as leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"wh-what wh-where are are you going?" i asked shocked at his move.

" I want tomoe to love humans, so i want him to spend some time with you " he replied as I didn't knew what to say.

" I have kissed your forehead so that means I gave my mark to you and now you are the new land god " he said.

wait- wait wait wait- what is happening?-

" so you are telling me i am the land god now and -" I was talking when tomoe interrupted us. "what are you two doing there ?"

Mikage smiled and replied," we were just going to come inside. I want to tell you i have some work in town so you two must take care of the shrine"

" So are you going to leave this human with me ?" Tomoe started frowning.

" yes more like leaving you to her " mikage said as he vanished in thin air.

" Great " tomoe and I said together.

TOMOE x reader : kamisama kissWhere stories live. Discover now