chapter II

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now playing: sunsetz • cigarettes after sex

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now playing: sunsetz • cigarettes after sex


it was nerve wracking. it felt like bench boy took every single opportunity to make a joke or at least say something that made the entire class laugh. most of the time it was on the sake of other people. it was the absolute worst to see how he thought so highly of himself and at the same time giving no fucks about hurting other people feelings. he was an ass and he knew it and he didn't care.

lunch break came around and all the girls were sitting together on one big table. we talked about how basically all of us had the same experiences in class. the teachers basically ignored us and it felt like they didn't want us here. annick, the blonde girl in my class, was unbelievably smart and almost knew every question the teacher was asking. therefore her hand shot up most of the time, but the teachers didn't even look at her and hoped for a boy to answer their question. it was tiring to see how much we weren't welcome. not only by the teachers but also by our classmates and the entire school. maybe it was a bad idea to go here, even though this school is even closer to my house than the all girls school.

i leaned towards michele and whispered something into her direction. „do you know this idiots' name?" i pointed my chin into the direction of bench boy. he had just sat down with his friends, chatting loudly and laughing at whatever funny jokes they were making. „it's descamps. joseph descamps. ough, he's already going on my nerves and it's just the first day" michele responded, after she followed my eyes and knew who i was talking about. „it makes me sick seeing someone like him having so much fun" i say and cringed as i saw him laughing at something his friend said to him. „you name it" simone chimed in and rolled her eyes. „he's not worth talking about... do you really have to attend detention after what happened in class?" i tried to switch topics and looked at michele. she took a bite of her sausage and slowly shook her head. „thankfully my uncle let me pass. he was kind of disappointed at me for doing the bare minimum and speaking up in class though. i mean, i get what he was referring to, but i can't give this asshole his satisfaction by others taking the blame for him" michele answered. right... and here we are again. it's impossible not to talk about him, because he's basically everywhere in every single thing.

„and laubrac? what about him?" i asked curious. „he has to attend detention on thursday". „still unfair" i said to myself but for the others to hear.
simone and michele made an agreeing sound as we all continued with our food, trying to cancel a certain topic or boy out of our conversations. descamps created too much trouble and thought he could get away with it just like that. just like in latin class few hours prior.

during the schoolday we had latin. bench boy, or now joseph descamps, thought it was hilarious to scribble something onto a paper and hand it over in class. he was sitting in the corner in the back row. the best place to do bullshit and not get seen by the teacher. the folded paper was given to a few boys until it landed in the hands of a boy with brown and curly hair. that's when mr. douillard noticed the quiet rustling of paper in this boys hand. he had to come forward and handed it towards the teacher. i was curious on what was drawn on it, because the teacher looked disappointed as he asked which student was the cause for it. i silently glared at the boy in the back, knowing that it was him. he was staring at the front of the classroom, his eyes shifting from my direction towards mr. douillard. descamps was figeting with his pencil against his lips, not showing any sign of pity or even regret. because the cause - of whatever was on the paper - couldn't be found, the teacher didn't think any better and let the innocent boy attend detention. michele protested against the unfair punishment and had to go come with him. this teacher had absolutely no mercy.

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