chapter 6

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Mi yoon:yes??
??girl??:is that you Mi yoon?
Mi yoon:ahh.. yes.. and why did you ask? And who are you?
??girl??:did you really forgot??
Mi yoon:uhm... Im sorry but.. i don't even know you
??girl??:really? Woww i didn'y even know you change...A LOT!
Mi yoon:huh??
??girl??:it's me... jennie..

When she heard the name Mi yoon blood was boiling lile crazy!! She want to kick her!! Slap her ass... But she control her anger

Mi yoon:oh... You ...

Suddenly her tone change.. it's kinda cold now....

Jennie:it's been a years... Have you already move on?
Mi yoon:oh yes i am.. i move on..

Actually jennie is not her friend... She is her old time enemy But jennie is being fake again..fake act.. fake smile fake talk all fake infront of Mi yoon

Mi yoon:what are you doing in here? *A little cold tone*
Jennie:well i bet you know the reason ... *Smirk*
Mi yoon:oh i see....
Jennie:so... Where hes house? I mean.. there house?
Mi yoon:oh.. i forgot to tell you.. he is living on our house.. right now... Next days.. next weeks.. next months *fake smile*
Jennie:HE'S WHAT!?

Jennie was shock after hearing her words

Mi yoon:yes.. he is...
Jennie:where is he? Huh?
Mi yoon:don't worry jen.... He is on hes room...

Jennie is about to enter on Mi yoon's house but Mi yoon stop her...

Mi yoon:ah! Ah! Ah! Where do you think your going??
Jennie:i'm going in! *Annoyed tone*
Mi yoon:say who?
Mi yoon:but you didn't get my permission first....
Jennie:so? Do i care?
Mi yoon:of coures you care!! This is my house you stupid!!

Jennie was taken a back by Mi yoon's reaply.....

Jenni:fine! Can i enter to your house?
Mi yoon:your not serious on that
Jennie:okey... May i enter to your house? Please?
Mi yoon:okey i accept that... But not 100% come in....

That's why jennie enter in her house... She is on the living room waiting for taehyung to come out....

That's why.. Mi yoon knock on taehyung's room....
And taehyung open it....

Mi yoon:yoww.. uhm... How do i say this?
Taehyung:say what?
Mi yoon:well know... Like.. we talk about jennie last day right? So uhm.. it's a little surprice.. like uhm... You know..
Taehyung:okey okey.. haha just say it.. don't make me wait and overthink about that *chukles*
Mi yoon:okey... She is on the living room waiting for you....
Taehyung:okey she is in the living room wai- wait what? She is what? Say what?? She's here? How did she know that i'm here? Like.. in your house?? Did she get mad? Come on say it Mi yoon please
Mi yoon:too many question.. relax dude... She is not mad.. she was just like..  almost colaps.. but don't worry she's fine and-
Taehyung:okey okey thanks....

He run into the living room while he left Mi yoon speech less outside on hes door......

Taehyung:hey babe...
Jennie:babe! *Hug him*
Taehyung:*hug back* how are you? I miss you... You know that..
Jennie:i miss you too.... But .. whybare you living with Mi yoon?
Taehyung:it's a long story... Let's sit first...

...... Okey let's just fast forward (sorry guys i'm a little tired for today).... After tawhyung explain everything....

Jennie:is that so? Okey... Sorry for being prejudice
Taehyung:it's okey love... So uhm.. how long you've been staying in here?
Jennie:just 2 months...btw can i sleep in here just one night i haven't book a hotel yet ..
Taehyung:oh uhm.. it's okay for me but... For Mi yoon.. i don't know too


Mi yoon:SHE'S WHAT!?
Taehyung:oh come on... Just for one night
Taehyung:yahhh!!! Stop it... She's my gf.. and i don't want her to getting hurt...
Mi yoon:and i don't want here to stay in here...
Taehyung:stop being selfish and please... Let her stay here for one night and i want to spend time with her too....
Mi yoon:*nod* you choose her again...
Taehyung:oh no Mi yoon! Not again!
Mi yoon:oh yes it is again! Fine... Do what you want! Say what you want! I don't care anymore.. *leave*
Taehyung:Mi yoon!!
Mi yoon:don't talk to me just for once... *While walking away*

....... At night... Actually Jennie stay on her house... She is on the guess room... Sleeping.....

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