Chapter 1 - "A Night Alone, A Fateful Meeting"

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Hiii readers!
So here I am with the first one..😅
Hoping this story brings a smile to your face..
Wishing you a stellar read!

Rohit Sharma, affectionately known as Ro, epitomized the spirit of Mumbai—a city teeming with life, energy, and dreams. With his boyish charm and easy smile, Ro blended seamlessly into the bustling streets, his cricketing prowess a source of pride for his fellow Mumbaikars. Despite his fame, Ro remained refreshingly grounded, his humility endearing him to fans and friends alike. Currently away from his parents due to his cricketing commitments, Ro's life revolved around the game, his teammates, and his cherished moments with his best friend, Virat and his elder brother...his Mahi Bhai.

Ritsy, on the other hand, embodied the quiet strength and resilience of the modern Indian woman. With her soft curls framing her tired yet determined face, Ritsy exuded an air of quiet confidence as she navigated the challenges of her career in sports management. Independent and self-assured, Ritsy lived life on her own terms, finding solace in the company of her family and close friends.

The evening stretched ahead, blank and quiet for both Ro and Ritsy. For Ro, it was a rare moment of solitude amidst the busy cricket schedule. With Virat off on a date (So Virushka are already dating in my story) and Mahi Bhai busy with Sakshi bhabhi, Ro found himself with an unexpected free night. Sitting in his hotel room, he felt the silence closing in on him as he scrolled through his phone, pondering his options.

"Guess it's just me tonight," Ro muttered to himself, a small smile playing on his lips. Glancing at the clock, he decided it was too early to call it a night. "Why not head out and make the most of it?"

Meanwhile, Ritsy faced a similar situation. Her plans with friends had fallen through, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She sighed as she looked around her empty office, feeling a bit disappointed.

"Well, this wasn't how I planned my evening," Ritsy mumbled, feeling a bit frustrated. She considered calling another friend or going to a café alone, but neither option felt right. Instead, she found herself drawn to the idea of a quiet bar, where she could relax and unwind.

With a determined nod, Ritsy grabbed her keys and headed out. Walking through the lively streets of Mumbai, she hoped the night would bring some unexpected joy. "Maybe tonight will be a chance to enjoy my own company," she thought optimistically.

As fate would have it, both Ro and Ritsy found themselves drawn to the same watering hole that evening—a cozy establishment nestled amidst the chaotic tapestry of Mumbai's nightlife. The bar exuded an air of old-world charm, with dim lighting casting soft shadows against the exposed brick walls. Soft jazz music filled the air, mingling with the clinking of glasses and the murmur of hushed conversations. Ro slipped into a corner booth, seeking solace in the anonymity of the crowd, while Ritsy gravitated towards a table by the window, her back turned to the rest of the bar as she gazed out at the city lights.

Their orders were placed with the bartender—a genial man with a twinkle in his eye, who seemed to know the regulars by name. "Whiskey, please," Ro requested with a nod, while Ritsy opted for a vodka, her choice reflecting her desire for simplicity amidst the chaos of the evening.

As they sipped their drinks, lost in their own thoughts, Ro's attention was drawn to a commotion at Ritsy's table. A drunken man, his words slurred and his intentions unmistakable, was attempting to engage Ritsy in conversation. Ro watched intently, his heart pounding in his chest as he observed the discomfort etched on Ritsy's face. But when the man reached out and clutched her arm, his grip tightening with each passing moment, Ro knew he couldn't just stand by and watch.

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Ro sprang into action, his protective instincts overriding any hesitation. Striding purposefully towards Ritsy's table, he adopted a casual demeanor, as if they were old friends catching up after years apart. "Hey, long time no see," he greeted her with a warm smile, hoping to convey both reassurance and urgency in equal measure.

Ritsy, caught off guard by Ro's sudden appearance, played along, shooting him a grateful look. The drunken man, momentarily confused by Ro's intervention, squinted at him before recognition dawned on his face. "Hey, you're that cricketer guy!" he slurred, his demeanor shifting from aggressive to friendly in an instant.

Ro chuckled, playing up the charade. "Guilty as charged," he replied with a wink, gesturing towards Ritsy. "Sorry, mate, but the lady and I were in the middle of a deep conversation. Mind giving us some space?"

As the drunken man stumbled away, his attention diverted by Ro's celebrity status,
Ritsy turned to him with a grateful smile. "Thanks for that. I don't know what I would have done without your help," she admitted, her eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions—relief, gratitude, and something deeper that she couldn't quite name.

Ro shrugged off her thanks with a nonchalant grin, masking the swell of emotion threatening to engulf him. "No problem at all. Just glad I could help," he replied, his tone light and breezy despite the weight of the moment.

Their eyes met for a fleeting instant, and in that moment, something shifted between them—a silent understanding, an unspoken connection that transcended the confines of the crowded bar.

As Ro watched Ritsy's grateful expression, his heart swelled with a mixture of emotions. But it was her eyes—those deep, soulful brown orbs—that captivated him the most. In that fleeting moment, he felt as though he could drown in them, losing himself in their depths. He found himself wanting to keep watching her, to memorize every curve of her smile and every flicker of emotion in her eyes.

As Ritsy excused herself to leave, Ro couldn't help but watch her go, his heart heavy with a newfound sense of longing. Little did he know, this chance encounter was just the beginning of a journey that would change both their lives forever.

But as the adrenaline of the moment began to fade, Ro's thoughts became muddled by the haze of the alcohol he had consumed. He couldn't quite remember how he had ended up back at the hotel, his mind clouded by a pleasant fuzziness. All he knew was that he wanted to hold onto the memory of their encounter, to cherish the way her eyes had sparkled with gratitude and relief.

Meanwhile, Ritsy couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude that washed over her as she made her way home. She thanked her lucky stars for sending Ro to her rescue, marveling at how someone as famous as him could be so down-to-earth and genuine. In that moment, she felt a surge of happiness, knowing that there were still good people in the world, regardless of their fame or status.

As she slipped into bed that night, Ritsy pushed aside thoughts of their encounter, chalking it up to a one-time occurrence. After all, what were the chances of running into a famous cricketer in a crowded bar? But deep down, a small part of her couldn't help but wonder what might have been if their paths had crossed under different circumstances. Little did she know, fate had other plans in store for them, ones that would bring them together in ways they never could have imagined.

Thats ittt....first chapter done!
Hope you like it!
Please vote and share your thoughts in the comments...the next chapter will depend on that... suggest if you want anything special in the story...

See you in the next one
Till then Byee

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