Chapter 3 - "Serendipitous Encounters"

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Hii readers!!
Here with another chapter..!!
Hope you like it!

The days rolled on, and Ro and Ritsy kept crossing paths in the most surprising places. Each encounter was like a little puzzle piece, fitting together to form a picture they couldn't yet see.

It began innocently enough, with Ro and Ritsy finding themselves at the same café without even realizing it..

Ro sat with Vi and Ajju...a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he leaned in to tease Vi about his date with Nush "I still don't get it...what she saw in you" he jibed, a playful smirk playing on his lips.

Vi, undeterred by Ro's teasing, sat up straight with a proud grin "Ek heere ki pehchaan sirf ek johri ko hi hoti hai " he declared confidently, his chest puffing out with pride.

Just as Ro and Vi were about to launch into their usual banter, Ajju interrupted, announcing his departure.I'm leaving," he stated simply, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Ro and Vi, caught off guard by Ajju's sudden departure, exchanged confused looks before simultaneously blurting out, "What? Why?" Their expressions were a mix of concern and curiosity, but Ajju simply shot them an incredulous look that clearly said, "Are you serious?"

Realizing their faux pas, Ro and Vi exchanged sheepish smiles before pointing accusingly at each other, each insisting, "It's all his fault!" But Ajju's glare silenced them like naughty schoolboys caught in the act, and they quickly quieted down, their playful banter momentarily subdued in the face of Ajju's disapproval.

Meanwhile, across the café, Ritsy sat with her friends, her laughter ringing out like a melody in the air. They chatted animatedly, their voices blending together in a symphony of conversation.

Ro and Ritsy both ordered the same drink, their actions mirroring each other's unknowingly.

And as Ritsy left the café with her friends she caught a glimpse of them from across the room. Her eyes flicked over to Ro, recognition dawning in her gaze... a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she watched him interact with his friends.

At the mall, their paths crossed once more... Ro was there on a mission, searching for the perfect birthday gift for his mother. Lost in a sea of options, he roamed from store to store, his mind filled with thoughts of cricket and camaraderie.

Meanwhile, Ritsy had her own reasons for being at the mall. She needed to pick up a few things, her mind occupied with work and everyday tasks. As she browsed through the stores, her thoughts drifted to her job and upcoming responsibilities.

Their paths nearly crossed near the jewelery store, where Ro paused to admire a display of rings while Ritsy hurried past, her attention elsewhere. But fate had other plans, and they missed each other by mere seconds, their eyes never meeting as they went about their separate errands.

Next came the stadium... where Ro's cricket matches drew crowds of cheering fans. Ritsy found herself there for a promotional event, her job as a sports manager requiring her presence at such gatherings. As she mingled with the crowd, her eyes scanned the stands, searching for familiar faces.

Ro, meanwhile, was focused on the game, his mind fixed on the pitch and the strategy unfolding before him. He barely noticed the presence of others around him, his attention wholly absorbed by the task at hand. And so, their paths crossed once again, their worlds colliding briefly before moving on.

But it was on a quiet evening, as Ro took a leisurely stroll near his hotel and Ritsy walked with her friends along the same road, that their paths nearly converged in a moment of serendipity.

The soft glow of streetlights cast a warm ambiance, and the distant sounds of traffic provided a soothing backdrop to his thoughts. Lost in his own world, Ro rounded a corner and was suddenly enveloped in the infectious laughter of a group of girls passing by.

He couldn't help but be drawn to the laughter—it was like music to his ears, lifting his spirits and filling him with a sense of joy he hadn't felt in a while. He glanced up, curious to see the source of such exuberance, and his eyes fell upon a girl at the center of the group. Her laughter was contagious, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she regaled her friends with a story.

Ro found himself captivated by her, unable to tear his gaze away. There was something about her—something enchanting and irresistible—that pulled at him in a way he couldn't quite explain. But as quickly as she had appeared, she was gone, disappearing into the night with her friends in tow.

Meanwhile, Ritsy couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that lingered in the air. As she walked with her friends, she couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched, as though someone was waiting just beyond the shadows. She glanced around nervously, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to shake off the feeling of unease that settled over her like a heavy cloak. Little did she know, Ro was watching her from afar, his thoughts consumed by the enigmatic girl who seemed to have captured his heart with just a single glance.

Little did she know, fate had one more surprise in store for her that night—a chance encounter that would change everything. As she rounded a corner, she saw a figure stepping out onto the road, oblivious to the oncoming vehicle that hurtled towards him. Without a second thought, Ritsy sprang into action, pulling the stranger to safety with a strength she didn't know she possessed.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern as she helped him to his feet. But before he could respond, she was gone, disappearing into the night like a guardian angel.

Ro stood there in stunned silence, his heart racing as he processed what had just happened. He looked around frantically, searching for the girl who had saved him, but she was nowhere to be found. He felt a strange sense of gratitude wash over him, mingled with a nagging sense of curiosity. Who was she? And why did he feel such a strong connection to her, despite the fact that they had only exchanged a handful of words?

Little did he know, Ritsy was grappling with similar thoughts, her mind consumed by the memory of the mysterious stranger she had just saved. But as they parted ways once again, disappearing into the darkness of the night, a bittersweet ache settled in their hearts. Despite the distance that separated them, they couldn't deny the inexplicable connection that seemed to tie their souls together. It was as if fate had woven them into each other's lives, guiding their paths to intersect time and time again. And as they walked away, the echo of their brief encounters lingered, leaving them both longing for the chance to unravel the mysteries of their intertwined destinies.

And so, their dance of near-misses continued, each encounter bringing them closer together yet keeping them worlds apart.

Thats it for this chapter!!
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Will try updating next one soon but that will depend on response on this one..

See you in the next one
Till then Byee

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