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I was at home and alone and stressed and trying to decide what to wear to Lover's birthday since an hour ago so i decided that maybe i could use some help from 1989 or Fearless, but like, just a little help, not that i was really nervous for Lover's birthday, im chill, im always calmed. I was not that kind of person that gets nervous because she has a girlfriend and want to make good impressions

God, we are not even girlfriends I shouldn't be thinking so much

Anyways, i called my friends and after what seemed as an eternity they arrived and we started to decide what should i wear

"No, you cant go with that!" 1989 yelled at me
"Why not? its a basic oufit" i answered and she hit her face with her hand
"Yeah, but you're not going to a common meeting, we're going to a party Rep!"
"But Lover lov- i mean, i love this top"
"sure you do" Fearless teased me
"i do!"
"Well you can wear the top but dont you have a skirt or a, uhm, partyer jeans?" 1989 said while looking in my closet "OMG THIS ONE, YOU HAVE TO WEAR THIS ONE"
She was holding up a black jean with a small red embroidery of a snake that went up the entire leg
"I forgot i had that one" i said
"You have to wear it, if its not for you, do it for me" 1989 said dramatically
"Okay, okay"

I went to try it, and 1989 was right, i was beautifull, i looked great

i really hope Lover likes this

I came out of the bathroom and and both of my friends looked at me

"you look amazing, you are beautifull Reputation, Lover will be down on her knees for you" 1989 said
"She is right, you look wonderfull Rep" Fearless added
"thanks" i really appreciated when people complimented me, not that i didnt knew i was pretty but it actually made me feel great "now you two go to change that we are going to be late"

-outside Lovers house

"okay, we are here, here, in lover's house" i was panicking "why am i so nerveous? I been here a thousand of times!"
"Awww, you're worried about not making a good impression, that's sweet!" Fearless said and i rolled my eyes
"Im not! I dont need a good impresion she already likes me"
"But, as you said, you two are not girlfriends so"
"Okay, yes, im worried, what if realizes im not girlfriend material and we never get to be a couple? I need her to like me, i need her friends to like me, to make a good impression on how i act i public, i ne-"
"REPUTATION!" 1989 hitted me on the shoulder "is going to be okay, dont think about it too much, if she doesent like you, she misses it, okay?"
"Now, can we get in? im cold and i want to drink till i pass out, this is a party for god's sake!" She took my hand and Fearless one and run to the door, she knocked and after a few seconds someone opened

"Hiii" Midnights said "oh, Nine"
"Mid" 1989 said

After those three words 1989 and Midnighst stared at each for a while and,  honestly, I felt like I was in the middle of a very intimate moment and i didnt wanted to interupt but...

I coughed a little

"girls?" I said
"Oh, Rep, i mean, Reputation or i dont know, sorry" Midnights said quickly "Lover, you're girlfriend is here!" She screamed at the inside of the house

girlfriend? So Lover think we ar-

"She is not my girlf-" Lover yelled and showed up at the door "Wow"

I looked at her, she was beautifull, she had a short pink dress with little withe flowers and an opening that went from above her knee to her thigh, she was gorgeous

We looked at each others eyes
Omg her eyes were the most wonderfull eyes in the whole world
She had blue eyes, but it was a perfect blue, it wasnt kinda grey, it wasnt dark, her eyes were like the ocean, and they were looking at mines

I realized that I hadnt spoken in all this time and I greeted her

"Hi Lov" I said "you look wonderfull, happy birthday!"
"God, i want to kiss you so bad right now" Lover said
"Oh" i think i blushed so hard you could notice miles away
"omg, did i say that out loud?" Lover asked "Midnights please tell me i didnt say that out loud"

Midnights started laughing

"no, no, im so embarrased" Lover looked at the floor
"dont worry, i want to kiss you too" I impulsively grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to left a kiss on her lips, kiss that extended for a pretty long time
"Ew, get a room" Fearless was disgusted
"I have one" Lover redponded
"Then use it!" Fearless moved me and Lover away and made her way inside of the house "come on 198nights! Let the lovers alone"

the three girls went away

"You look extremly beautifull too Rep" Lover told me
"I think not as much as you" i answered "take" I passed her a little box "this is you're present"
"Aww, you didnt need to bring anything! Thank you, really thank you" she kissed me in the check and then she opened the box "wait is this? IT IS, is the necklace, Rep omg, how did you get this? oh my god, you're the best girlfriend ever!" She hugged me
"Im your- are we?"

When she moved away from the hug, I saw the panic in her eyes

"I mean, if you want, but if you dont its okay, it was just and impuls-"
I shut her up with a kiss


"Yes i do" i said "i want to be your girlfriend, but just if you want to be mine"
"of course i want to be yours"

We kissed again and this kiss was different, different because it was not leading to another thing, it was just a kiss, between two people that were in love, so it was passionate, but it was also soft and cute

you are in love ☆ (taylor's version)Where stories live. Discover now