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I was in the cafeteria with 1989 and Fearless

-so are they coming today?- 1989 asked

-Yes, i think they will be here after lunch- my other friend answered

-about who are you talking about?- I asked, i wasnt paying any kind of atention to the conversation cause Lover, my girlfriend, was texting me

-Red and Speak Now, they changed schools and now they will be coming here-

-who are them?-

-Rep, Fearless talks about them all the time- 1989 said

-I swear i never heard her saying those names-

Suddenly i felt that someone was hugging me from the back

-Hi baby- Lover said as she left a kiss on my check - how is the most beautifull girl in the world?

-I dont know, i should ask you that- I kissed her- how are you Lov?

-fine, a little stressed for an english project but im alright- she responded as she sat besides me -sorry, can i sit with you?-

-of course you can- i left another kiss on her cheek

-Rep being such a softie who would have imagined it?- 1989 laughed

-shut up 1989-

-lover tell debut and midnights come sit too!- Fearless said and Lover called the other girls with her hand

-no dont call midn- 1989 started but the girls were already on our table, i didnt really liked to socialize with other people but they were Lover's friends so i had to do it.


-hi honey- Midnights said with a teassing tone while she sitted

-i hate you- I said with the same tone

She got closer to my ear

-You didnt seemed to hate me yesterday- i turned bright red and i think everyone could notice cause they all looked at me

-shut up, you started it-

-no, you did-

-you did!-

-no, it was you, you said "so, just one, like only one more k"- i covered her mouth with my hand

-Shut up midnights-

- girls is 10am can you two stop fighting for one hour?- Fearless looked at us with a tired expresion

-AUCH! midnights whats wrong with you?- she had bitten my hand. I punched her on her shoulder

-You werent moving it, i had to do something- she answered in an annoyied tone

-i guess its imposible! - Fearles turned her head back to her conversation with Debut and looked at us in a way that i felt she wanted to kill me

-what's imposible?- a girl with straight blonde hair asked

-RED!- fearless stod up and hugged the girl

-hey, im not getting a hug too?- a wavy haired girl asked

-of course you are- fearless hugged that girl too - girls, they are Red and - Fearless started to inteoduce them

-speak now?- midnights asked with a confused tone

-midnights? I didnt knew you were friends with Fearless- speak now seemed confused too

-im not, its been such a long time- midnights stod up too and hugged speak now

-and i didnt knew midnights was friend with that girl- I mumbled but rep heard me

-jealous?- she whispered to me

-why would i be?-

-i think its better if you discover it by yourself-

I knew what Rep meant but i didnt have feelings for her
Well we did kiss two times, one in a totally sober state but, it didnt mean anything, right?

I turned my atention back to the conversation that everyone was having

-why didnt you tell me that you were coming here?- midnights keep talking with speak now

-i would like to say "because it was a surprise" but the truth is that i didnt knew this was your school- speak now answered

-well now we can spend more time together!- midnights sounded so exited that i wanted to strangle speak now- let me introduce you to the girls- she looked at all of us- well you already know fearless and debut so, thats lover

-hi- lover said

-and the girl she is hugging is Rep, they usually do not eat in the cafeteria cause they rather spend their time in the bathroom but well

-midnights!- lover blushed a lot

-sorry- she moved her hand in an attemp to downplay the issue - oh and she is 1989

-ohh, so you are 1989? -speak now asked me with a weird smile in her face

-yes?- i answered

-huh, intresting, midnights always sa-

-now you know all of them!- midnights interrupted quickly

we keep all talking for a while and then the bell rang so we went to our classes

a/note: i know this is not a lot buttt i started classes and i've been stressed out with all the homework♡

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