Making Connections through Pizza

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Clint was dedicated to his promise that he was not going to leave Natasha alone until she gave him an answer he was satisfied with. He cared deeply about his friend and wanted to get to the bottom of whatever is causing this. He wanted to desperately help Nat. He could see the hurt within her.

The day continued on like normal. Clint was stuck to Natasha side as he promised he'd be. Nat was about to strangle him. Wanda came out of her room for the first time. She was met with two pairs of eyes staring at her shocked.

"Hey." Clint said and waved. Natasha followed suit

"Hey." Wanda said waving back slightly blushing from the attention being on her.

They stared at her for a couple awkward seconds until the elevator dinged and out stepped Tony and Steve taking the attention off of her. They had come to ask Clint to train with them. Clint agreed but not before remind Natasha that he'd be back afterwards. Nat just rolled her eyes shooing him away finally relieved to have a little time without him!

Once the trio left, it was just Wanda and Nat. It was awkward to say the least. At least until they got wrapped up in their own activities. Wanda wasn't necessarily wrapped up in an activity. She was trying to read but she was lost in her mind. Trying to think if it was a good idea to apologize to Nat or just drop it and forget about it. Ultimately she decided she needed to apologize. She wanted to Nat to know how sorry she was. She knew she told the boys but she wanted Nat to hear it from her.

"Hey Natasha..." Wanda said while shutting her book.

Nat looked up from her book at the sudden sound. Realizing Wanda was talking to her. She closed her book as well.

"Yeah?" Nat said shyly.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am so sorry for that day. I would never hurt you. I know I don't know this team that well but I can tell your good people and I would never hurt you guys. You guys forgave me for the horrendous things I did and then took me in, even though I didn't deserve it. I never go into peoples minds without their permission and I understand that was a huge boundary that I crossed, along with then using it against you. I also wanted to tell you that I only saw glimpses of it but the things I did see I won't tell a soul. I promise. But I'm here if you ever wanted to talk about it." she said with sad eyes but smiling at the end.

"Oh. Thanks Wanda. I know you didn't mean anything you did. I understand how terrifying nightmares can be and how surreal it is sometimes. I shouldn't have barged in your room and woke you up. I just heard your screams and got worried because they wouldn't stop, they just kept getting worse. I don't hold anything against you Wanda." She said smiling back. It was true she didn't hold it against Wanda. She was scared of how powerful the witch was but she knew that she would never purposefully hurt anyone.

"Let's just start over and forget that day ever happened." Natasha said smiling.

"I'd like that" Wanda said thankful that she was forgiven.

After that meaningful talk with Natasha, Wanda felt much better. Her and Natasha still didn't become close buddies like her and Clint but they became somewhat friends. It took a couple days but they eventually got there!

Speaking of Clint. He kept his side of the deal and still glued himself to Nat the best he could. Nat was on the brink of losing it. She knew her friend was stubborn but he was really dedicated this time! She feared this was now her life. The only alone time she had was when Clint trained, it was bedtime, or he went home to his family.

One weekend Clint made his trip back home to spend with his family. The rest of the Avengers were relatively busy besides Wanda and Nat. So the compound they practically had to themselves.

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