I'm ready Pt.2

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It has been a week since the little play date and things have been going really well. Nat finally was starting to get more and more comfortable regressing. Having that play date and seeing another little really helped her understand that she wasn't alone in this and she was safe. Wanda was so happy that Nat was finally allowing herself to heal.

Nat had been starting to take more and more baths instead of showers which she really enjoyed! She got her water pipes set up on the side of the bathtub and got her rubber duck surprise from Wanda making her very happy! She was excited she could match it with her towel! She quickly named him Quack!

Nat had also started becoming a little more clingy if that was even possible! She hardly walked anywhere anymore! Always having Wanda carry her! Wanda didn't mind she enjoyed her little koala. Her arms were definitely getting a work out though! Nat also refused to sleep in her own bed anymore. After that night cuddling with Wanda she couldn't go back to sleeping alone! Wanda also didn't mind this. Also realizing how much she enjoyed cuddling her to sleep and realizing she too couldn't go back to sleeping alone! The two had nearly become inseparable!

The day after Kate left, Nat again brought up the topic of Kate's water bottle again! Surprising Wanda, when she explained to Nat that is was like a sippy cup, Nat just shrugged not caring! She wanted it because she like how she could turn it upside down and not have to worry about it spilling. She also wanted to decorate it with her own stickers! Wanda quickly agreed excited that Nat was actually agreeing to use a sippy cup so she ordered a custom one online! It being Power Puff Girl themed with the three girls on it along with the logo! Once it arrived Nat was sooo excited to drink out of it! Quickly falling in love with it! She secretly enjoyed the sippy cup part of it! It made her feel smaller! After a couple days using it she asked Wanda for more but she brought up the subject of just regular sippy cups which Nat agreed too, again taking Wanda off guard! Her little Nat was actually agreeing to use "baby stuff" as Nat called it! She was beyond excited! She quickly ran to her room to retrieve the sippy cup she'd been stashing! Handing it to Nat who light up! She thanked Wanda for it and quickly wanted to drink out of it! Luckily Wanda had already washed it, washing it after Nat laid down for a nap after their shopping trip.

Things just overall were going great! Nat being little nearly everyday now! Wanda didn't mind though she was just glad Nat was finally accepting herself! Now that Natasha was regressing more and more she started to learn the ins and outs of little Natasha. She figured out her age range was normally between 4-6. Normally the little widow would feel younger when she first woke up and when she was getting tired. With Nat being more comfortable in her headspace though it also came with it's negatives, which were Nat could be such a diva! Which often times landed her in timeout or getting a lecture from Wanda. Nat's tantrums had become a regular thing in the household. Wanda didn't like how fussy her little could be sometimes but she knew it's what came with Nat accepting her little side so she didn't mind TOO much. She also knew Nat never had the chance to act out as a kid so she allowed Nat to experience that too a little bit at least. Nat was normally very happy but every toddler ends up having those days especially Nat already being super sassy as a grown up!

Nat had a perfect weekend! It consisted of cuddles, playing, and more cuddles! Nat even enjoyed her family dinner! Engaging more then she ever had before surprising everyone! The team was happy to see Natasha so happy! They didn't know what happened well everyone but Clint, Kate, and Wanda but they just knew they wanted it to keep happening because they quite enjoyed this side of Natasha!  Which led them to this day! It was a Tuesday. Most of the team had returned to their weekly routines and jobs. Nat and Wanda had returned to their routine they made but today it went a little different then they both expected!

Nat started her day with cuddles from Wanda as soon as she woke up. Quickly followed by breakfast and cartoons! Nat had convinced Wanda to play with her, so her and Wanda decided to build a house out of legos. Once they finished Nat got out her lego people Wanda had also bought her and they played house together for awhile until Wanda had to go train. Leaving Nat to play by herself for a while. It was becoming routine for Nat to no longer just sit and watch Wanda train but instead she often brought her toys into the gym so she could still play and still be close to Wanda. Wanda didn't mind as long as Nat stayed to the sides of the gym. Which she did only making the mistake of coming up to Wanda once, where she nearly got hit in the head by Wanda's foot as she wants using the punching bag. Which quickly taught Nat her lesson about staying against the wall.

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