Part 1, "Expect The Unexpected"

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Alsalamualkikum everyone :-)

this is my first time to write a story, like.... Ever, so I pray it will be a good start..

I want to thank Allah for his blessings, and to Thank you for your time to read this story.

Please, I will be grateful if you leave your comment, as I would love to read what you think about it.
Dont hesitate to talk to me, and I will be happy for your advice. :-)

With no further words,......

Allah Hafiz
Alaa.A ^_^

Getting up, going to school, yup, it is a normal moring for me, oh, forgot to introduce myself, iam Iram, iam 18 so in Egypt that means iam a Senior..
thanaweya Ama to be accurate "The big Battle" , the year which determine my future, whether its full of money or ...... Anway, I always thought it was a stupid thing,
But it doesnt matter, I still have to study hard and get the hightest marks I could possibly have, or else.....

So Here I am , heading to my last exam, .....Nervous? Oh no, but does a shaking hands consider nervous??

Oh ya Allah be with me, please.

3 hours later,

"Finish" I said, "we finished, Done....OMG, We are Free at last, I thought it was... It was never going to happen" , " can you believe that? Cause I cant.. I ,i .. Ohhhh we are finally going to Sleeeeeeeeeeeep" screamed Ranah {my BFF} , " No one will wake me up telling me wake up you need to study" she said with a deep voice like a father would have, " well, guess what No more wake ups, people" , Ranah kept screaming and so did I, actually the whole school was screaming, well, it was a hard year, thats the least we can do..... Everyone including me and Ranah had this weird smile of surviving, but... Wait, we still need to wait for our marks.... Oh ya Allah, why cant we just live in peace?!

3weaks later,

AAAAAAAAAh *screaming under my pillow* , this is it.... The day I suppose to know what my future to going to be like, "the Marks day" , this is harder than I thought...
"Iram, ya benti, come here me and your father need to talk to you" Mom said, oh oh this is not good, oh this is definitly nooot good, my brain kept screaming with nonsense that I actually felt iam going insane, whenever my parents want to talk, well, I just can tell you, its notgoood.....
"Yes, mama, you wanted me" I said wishing to just disappear rightnow, "yes, Iram sit down" Dad asked me, okay okay just calm down, they look okay, dont they??
" so are you ready benti?" Dad asked with this weird smile, "ready for what,papa?" I asked like a fool, of course you know for what you dump.
"To know what are you going to be, look, I have your marks here in this paper, so are you ready to know what are they like?" Dad said, but I was no where, like I Am Not Here anymore, when he said marks, all I just thought about is How can I run away..
Just then, I felt my mother wrapping her arms around me, hugging me so hard that I thought I was going to faint, "oh habibti, iam so proud of you, ya Allah, lak'alhamd" she kept saying so many things and tears were falling from her eyes, but I was still shocked till my father said it " So are you ready to be a Doctor or What?" , now I understand, I did it, finally ya Allah, its just, I never expected that I will actaully make it... So I ran to my room, made wudu and prayed and prayed thanking Allah for hearing my calls, Oh he is so Generous, finally, a Dream came true.

2 Days later,

We were all happy, everyone congratulated us , I got so many presents, and phone calls, I was like what they say, oh yes "A Busy woman" hahah, ..... Never actually felt better.
But, after I got my marks , Dad suddenly disappeared, I know he has a hard job, I mean being a Captain for a ship isnt an easy thing, you need to travel alot and be away from you own family for a long time, but this time, something wasnt right.

After two days, he came back, he didnt talk to anyone but went to his room, then I heard him shouting "Iram, get hear at once" , I was terrified , I didnt know what I did this time, he didnt sound happy I guess, not at all. Okay, ..... Take a deep breath, oh why i have to deal with everything alone in this house?!!
" hmm, yes papa, what is it?" I said and you can tell I sounded so scared, but that didnt get my father attention, " you need to pack everything, we are moving to London, you ask no question, you hear me" he said more like screamed to me " I had enough already, go, we have no time, we are leaving in the moring, I already informed your mother" he said not looking at me but to the many papers he had, to be honest I was so scared of him, I never saw him like that before, yes my father used to scream at me, and so but this time it was differet , he looked more....... Worried. Wait, but ..." Papa, what about my studying? I havent even started yet! Can we at least...." , " I told you not to ask , right.... Besides, I have arrenged everything, you are going to continue your studyings there and so are your brothers, now leave.." He ordered , " but father, I ,......." I said not understanding anything , "I said Leave now or else.." He glared at me, like he was going to murder someone...., so I ran out of his room, not knowing what have happened , or why are we suddenly moving to London, I have never been to London before, I would love to but not unexpectedly like that !!

Well, I have no choice. Just when I thought, all is going well, ....... Like they say "there is nothing called happy ever after" for me not even a day....

That was really unexpected...

Please, iam waiting for your comments
I really hope you liked the first chapter.

Thank you.

Allah Hafiz.

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