Part 2 "We reached Our New City"

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Asalamu'alikum Sisters , Brothers
hope you are doing well...
I also hope you liked the first chapter..
Thanks for the support and iam sorry if there were some mistakes.
I Hope you will like this one :-)

Please, I will be grateful if you leave your comment and I will be happy for your advice.

Allah Hafiz.
Alaa.A ^_^

" Iam really very tired" I said to myself, we are now offically in London "The Big city", but still we didnt know why we are here, "Hey Iry can I borrow your phone cause mine just went off" Abdallah said , " yeah, but dude tell us how it went "Off" , ha " Mazen smirked , yeah you guessed Mazen and Abdallah, they are my brothers, Mazen is a 3 years elder than me , he is studying engineering while Abdallah is 4 years elder than me, he was studying in the Acadmey, father wanted him to become a "Captain" just like him, although Abdallah wanted to study Law but of course who can object on our father's wishes, Me and my brothers arent that close, actually, I guess they never cared about me but I was cool with it, not a big deal right...
"I really dont care, and no, you cant borrow it as a matter of fact I remembered that I need it for something important" I teased Abdallah, I really loved to annoy them both "Oh come on Iram, what......, come on I need it for just a minute" he more like begged " and dont think iam begging young girl" he said pointing his finger to me, but I still ignored him till I felt a sudden attack from him he tried to take my phone from my hand and I kept fighting of course Mazen kept laughing at us but not for so Long " You two stop that childish behaviour. Right now or you will be treated like one" Dad shouted at us and we both stopped as we couldnt Risk,,,, anyway, I was satisfied as Abdallah couldnt take my phone, still I was curious to know why he wanted it that badly.

3 hours later,

"Home sweet home" cheered my.mother who actually seemed the most one happy for this whole journey, may I add, "Mysterious journey"...
We reached a small house with 2 floors 3 bedrooms , a kitchen, and so on.. It was a lovely one though, I went to my supposed room and it was cool, most I liked about it is that its painted in light blue which is my favourite colour, I put my things where it supposed to be and I decided to take a little nap, well it was a looooooong daaay...

I woke up so late that I missed my praying, so I ran to make wudu then put my mat and did my praying, after I finished, I went downstairs only to see my mother sitting on the couch watching a movie and Mazen is sitting on the other chair typing something on his laptop, I went to the kitchen to find something to eat, but I found nothing, so I told my mother I will go to the market to buy some food and stuff, "But benti be careful would you, its already late, Mazen habibi go with your sister, I will be feeling more comfortable if you did" she said looking at Mazen , " Hader Umi, I will go but for one condition" he said with a little smile, " What condition ?" Mum just went along with him " when I come back you will make me this yummydummy cookies I like, Deal" he said with a serious face but you can tell he was holding a laugh , "hahaha, okay habibi, I will make them for you, now go or you both will be late," he stood up from his seat and went to kiss my mother forehead before we leave, we said Salam and we out to the market.
It was a usual silent wake, when we reached the market " okay, you go get what you want and I will wait you here, you know I dont like markets" Mazen said, " Okay, do you want me to get you anything?" I asked him, "No, just dont be late, now shoo go" he said , i didnt like to take orders so i made sure to glare him before I go, I went in and it wasnt a big market so, it took me little to get what I need when I was about to reach the cashier ....

*Booom* ........



"why does she have to take so long in everything, that little....... Its so cold" I said to myself , rubbing my hands togther for warm, Iram always annoy me couse she never knew how she can mange her time, I told her not to be late and its more than half an hour passed, what could she possibly be doing??
I looked on my otherside , not to see my sister but I saw Her,........
What ..... What is she doing here?!!

I know its all a puzzled chapter but insha'allah it will get better.

Iam waiting for your comments and notes...

May Allah bless you.

Allah Hafiz.

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