The Grove

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Beel plops down on the couch in the middle of the room. "Tch comfy there?" Satan asks. Beel hums in contentment, not thinking about how he's taking up the entire sofa.

Levi complains about how hot it is, the others telling him to take his jacket off but he refuses. Everyone jokes and messes with him for it.

Everything was calm and lighthearted before Asmo suddenly speaks, "I miss the others." He sighs.

"Mhm...think they're alive?" Beel asks, not looking away from the ceiling.

"Can't you use you guy's weird telepathy thing?" Levi jokes.

"Yeah use your telepathy-" before Lucifer can continue to joke a loud scream comes from outside.

A womans scream.

Satan jumps up, grabbing his bat ready to help whoever it was. The others call out as he runs out the door without hesitation.

He runs down the stairs seeing a couple men easily fighting off a few corpses near the treeline. Behind them on the ground was a girl on her knees looking over another person seemingly passed out.

Satan stared as the realization set in at who he was looking at. His eyes swelled with tears and he drops his bat, the sound startling the groups both inside and outside the cabin. Mammon walks out the door and gasps aswell calling out to the others inside.

The girl looks up and registers the guy walking down the porch towards them. One of the other two men jump between her and Satan but she shoves him out of the way.

She jumps into his arms and cries. "Oh my god I thought you guys were dead!" She nuzzles into his jacket.

"We thought you guys were dead too! God I'm so happy you're not.." Satan smiles and nuzzles into her hair. "Everyone else is ok! Stressed, but ok!"

"Oh thank god..." she sighs in releif

"What happened? Belphie pass out again?" Satan looks over, a pale guy with green hair lifts Belphegor onto his back, the other stares awkwardly at Satan.

"Yeah great timing as always." The green haired guy rolls his eyes and smiles. "I'm Barbatos, this is Diavolo. Lily ya gonna introduce us to your other people then?" He chuckles.

"Mhm! This is Satan!" He awkwardly waves. She looks towards the porch where the rest of the group is piling out and all come to hug her as well.

Beel lifts her up and sobs. "Lilith... oh thank god..." he sets her down, she stays holding onto him. He looks up to see Belphie still asleep. "He's not bit or anything right?"

"Nah he's good. Can we head in its kinda dark out here..." Diavolo looks around anxiously.

"Yeah I was about to say." Lucifer responds, ushering the others to go back inside along with the new men.

The group sits around talking and catching up. Barbatos and Diavolo show a map they've marked of what areas they know were overrun. Lucifer and Diavolo talk about what they should do as a bigger group, needing more space than the small cabin.

Beel and Lilith cuddle Belphie, the smaller slowly waking up. He jolts up panicked and shocked looking around becoming more confused.

"Hey calm down you're safe. You're ok." Beel lays his hand over Belphies, Lilith grabbing his other. Belphie looks between the two before bursting out crying. The two comfort him the rest of the group reassuring him and joking about how weird it must be to suddenly wake up and everythings different.

Lucifer smiles for a moment before yawning. "Tired?" Diavolo asks. Lucifer nods.

"Haven't slept much lately. I think this is the calmest I've been in weeks."

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