What Lies Ahead

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Mammon stretchs and looks around to everyone laying across the floor. He turns and looks up at the triplets piled on the couch, also still asleep.

He carefully gets up and grabs a waterbottle from a backpack, chugging it down. He looks closer at everyone on the floor. He smiles when he sees Lucifer cuddled up to Diavolo.

'Wish i had a camera.' He thinks and quietly chuckles. He sees Barbatos waking up and stretching. Barb winces as he stands up and pops his back.

He makes his way over to Mammon and takes the water bottle offered to him. They whisper to eachother as to not wake anyone else up yet.

"How long you been awake?"

"Literally less than a minute before you."

"Ah. Sleep good?"

"Nope." Mammon laughs. "You?"

"Nah. Seems like they are tho." He gestures towards Luci and Diavolo, also laughing.

"Tch yeah same for the triplets." Mammon smiles and rolls his eyes at the three that took the couch.

They continue to converse, the others all waking up one after another. Eventually everyone else had woke up, Lucifer and Diavolo being the last two. Everyone quietly jokes about them.

Lucifer finally wakes up after his very much needed rest. Realizing how close he and Diavolo were he jolted up and looked around. The others joked about it with him and he just laughed out of embarrassment and told them to shut up.

The sudden jolt from Lucifer woke Diavolo up aswell. "Wha- what happened?" Diavolo, still drowsy, asks.

"Nothing nothing." Mammon laughs. Giving the two a moment to fully wake up before asking, "Anyway, whats the plan?"

"We need to find vehicles, we can head towards the highway but that might be risky so we'll send a group of four to scout it out first. Its maybe a couple days hike from here. We're gonna scavenge, maybe hunt a bit, stock up on food mostly. Then after we've got all the supplies we need we'll leave." Barb explains.

The others nod in agreement. "Whos scouting out the highway?" Satan asks him.

"You, Beel, Lilith, and Mamm-"

"Woah woah woah! Why Lily?" Belphegor interrupts. "Couldn't like you or Diavolo go?"

"I mean i guess but she offered to go on more scouting stuff, why would I deny her?"

"Because its Lilith!? You cant send her out there!"

"Belphie! I am more than capable to go!" Lilith defends herself.

"I mean, I'm not entirely happy about you going either..." Beel comments, Mammon and Satan nod in agreement.

"Well good thing you guys are there to protect me then. Since im such a weak helpless girl." She huffs.

"Lily thats not what were saying. We're just..." Satan starts.

"You're like our little sister and we wanna make sure youre safe." Mammon finishes, Satan nodding.

"Also were paranoid." Levi adds, the others snickering but not denying it.

"You're all assholes. But i guess i get it. Im still going though." Lilith smiles at the over concern for her being a little funny. "Im a grown woman i can make my own choices."

"Yeah but im still gonna worry." Beel smiles and throws his arm over her shoulder.

The group continues to discuss the plan, debating on who wants to do what. Once theyve decided they prep for their scouting mission, the four heading out as the sun rises.

The rest stay around the cabin and clean up a bit. "Okay so what exactly are we going to do till they get back?" Levi asks Barbatos as they all sit around, finally able to semi relax.

"Do any of you know how to hunt?"

Lucifer nods. "I do, so do Satan and Mammon. But thats all of pur group that does. Lily and Beel know how to forage though."

"Oh great i sent all the ones who know shit out." He runs his hand over his face. "Well were gonna teach these kids how to hunt then." Lucifer smiles and agrees.

"Its a good skill to have. 'Specially now." Diavolo adds.

Levi and Asmodeus look at eachother anxiously. "Hunting is gross..." Asmo complains from the floor.

"Too bad you need to know how to do it. We cant just scavenge forever." Barbatos scolds him and goes to stand with lucifer and Diavolo, the three continue talking and going over their supplies and what they need.

"We need ammo."

"We need more melee weapons. Bullets are already hard to find..." Lucifer argues.

"Man, how long have you been down here? Were in the south, guns and ammo are not hard to find yet if you know where to look." Diavolo nudges the other.

"Ok well we havent come across many homes or stores yet. So for now, yes they are hard to find."

"Wait till we find a small town or suburbs. Every house is gonna have atleast five." Diavolo laughs. Barbatos smiles and nods in agreement.

"Hes not wrong. We dont need to be going out too far though, well deal with that when the time comes." He pauses for a second. "Lucifer is right though. Melee is quieter and less hard to come across. Hell you can use just about anything as a weapon."

"What about this?" Belphie shouts across the room and chucks an apple at Diavolo, who dodges it.


The youngest just shrugs and smiles. "You're all thinking too much. Were fine for now just come sit and chill for a while. You guys are gonna use all your energy worrying."

"I cant even argue with that, my feet do hurt like a motherfucker." Diavolo rubs the back of his neck before walking to the couch, plopping down.

"Ugh. Guess were the only ones worried about survival then?" Barbatos groans looking towards lucifer. "What happened to your eye by the way?" He asks about the large bruise.

"Mammon punched me."

"Ah yeah thats about right. Wouldve assumed Satan did it."

"Oh he would too if he got the chance." Lucifer smiles and shakes his head. "Mm what about food we can scavenge? What all stuff doesnt perish fast as hell down here with how hot it is?"

"Again!" Diavolo snaps his fingers catching the twos attention. "Were in the south! Canned stuff! Everyone down here cans their own vegetables n stuff. Well find some."

"Even if we do how do we know its not gone bad already?"

"You think we dont label em?" The red head turns to look at the northerner in a jokingly offended manner.

The group continues to banter and try to somewhat plan for whats to come.

They could never be prepared enough though.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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